Friday, October 31, 2008











我覺得,對冲基金要減低槓桿率嘅最大理由,就係一路以嚟,借子彈畀佢哋掃射嘅最大「軍火供應商」,即係嗰啲投資銀行。相信大家都知道,美林、貝爾斯登被商業銀行吞咗,而大魔、高盛為咗可以被政府接濟,都攞咗商業銀行牌照,投資銀行家變成bank teller。



投行同商行最大嘅分別,除咗啲投行女職員索好多之外(恒生銀行例外),就係手上資金去經營嘅槓桿比率。投行可以做到二、三十倍,商行最多得12倍。所以投行一變商行,就要瘋狂call loan。


Wednesday, October 29, 2008


前日禮拜一,孫柏文話過股市就快見底,不過就叫大家唔好咁快入滙豐(005)。嗰日滙豐就跌14.7%;不過到噚日就已經彈番上去,事件發生嘅速度,快到要用twitter SMS去個網上日誌blog到。





呢個指數係一個典型外國人好鍾意做嘅投資者意向指數(Investor's sentiment indicator),而幅度就會由最樂觀正面(+50),至最悲觀負面(-50)。





啲人話做投資,最危險嘅4個字係「今次唔同 This time is different」。如果你跟咗「蘋果散戶指數」做買賣,就希望今次同以前冇唔同。


Extended reading...

蘋果散戶指數 explained

Here's a chart. Up till April 2006


Restaurant closed after dead deer found in kitchen
Oct 27 09:04 PM US/Eastern

HAMBURG, N.Y. (AP) - Health officials shut down a suburban Buffalo restaurant after an inspector found employees butchering a dead deer inside the business. Erie County Health Department officials said they got a tip Friday about a dead deer in the China King restaurant in the town of Hamburg, just south of Buffalo.

An inspector soon arrived and saw the deer being butchered in the kitchen.

State health laws prohibit butchering an animal inside a restaurant.

Officials don't know whether the deer had been killed by a hunter or a vehicle. They said there was no indication the deer meat was served to any customers.

The message on the restaurant's answering machine Monday says it was closed because of "family emergencies."

Monday, October 27, 2008



建議當日,即係舊年7月30日,滙豐賣140港元一股。我話過滙豐一定要對手上、當時估值500億美元嘅次按債券,價值上要重新評估,咁做對公司股價一定有壓力。亦提供當時被鬧到狗血淋頭,之後睇番尚算保守嘅目標價 112.5港元一股。不過嗰日滙豐股價升。






對冲基金贖回潮雖然就快完,不過未完。上個禮拜五,CNBC訪問UBS嘅Art Cashin,佢話股市跌勢應該喺呢幾日內有個了斷,但究竟呢個「了斷」係咩樣,佢就話唔知。對上一次Art Cashin咁講,喺02年花旗國股市見底之前嗰個禮拜。


So close to buying time...

As a perma bear... It feels weird when there is a whole lot of people more pessimistic than I.

Really strange.

But let this dramatic ending occur.

Lets be ready.

R.I.P. HK Krispy Kreme

我喺美國嘅時候係好鍾意食Krispy Kreme...


點解?廢Q事食左之後又上癮 hahahahahah

點都好... RIP HK Krispy Kreme

Krispy Kreme 清 盤
5 分 店 即 時 執 笠

Krispy Kreme 甜 圈 公 司 宣 佈 清 盤 。

清 盤 潮 不 絕 ! 在 香 港 開 業 約 2 年 、 擁 有 7 間 分 店 的 美 國 甜 圈 店 Krispy Kreme 宣 佈 清 盤 , 位 於 銅 鑼 灣 、 旺 角 、 中 環 、 觀 塘 及 元 朗 的 分 店 暫 時 結 業 。

至 於 位 於 其 餘 兩 間 設 於 香 港 國 際 機 場 的 分 店 , 則 營 業 至 另 行 通 知 為 止 , 有 消 息 指 , 機 場 分 店 將 會 在 兩 星 期 後 結 業 。

有 員 工 透 露 , 7 間 分 店 的 負 責 人 , 下 午 將 會 商 討 對 策 。

該 公 司 表 示 , 近 月 曾 為 公 司 尋 找 買 家 , 但 未 能 成 功 , 決 定 清 盤 。 發 言 人 指 出 , 在 香 港 經 營 生 意 成 本 高 , 難 以 應 付 。

董 事 對 要 作 出 清 盤 決 定 感 到 非 常 失 望 , 但 為 免 僱 員 及 債 權 人 蒙 受 更 大 損 失 , 決 定 結 業 。

Krispy Kreme 已 委 任 獨 立 財 務 顧 問 , 在 下 月 12 日 舉 行 債 權 人 會 議 , 以 便 決 定 如 何 處 理 公 司 資 產 及 僱 員 與 債 權 人 的 申 索 事 宜 。

其實,我以前都有炒過呢間公司嘅股票... 上市時簡直係神話股...


Saturday, October 25, 2008

見到標普 差佬會賴尿






點知隻馬一出閘由頭放到尾,仲要獨贏賠率三十幾倍咁贏。佢走去同個練馬師講:「You are either incompetent or a crook(一係你無能一係你奸)。」







Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good job my boy!

Congratulations to Martin Oei!

2008 Standard & Poor = 2002 Arthur Andersen

Smoking gun time... From the New York Times...

Devan Sharma, president of S&P, said in a written statement, “It is by now clear that a number of the assumptions we used in preparing our ratings on mortgage-backed securities issued between the last quarter of 2005 and the middle of 2007 did not work.”

John A. Yarmuth, a Democrat from Kentucky, chose to read aloud from an instant-message conversation between two S&P employees in the firm’s structured product division.

Official 1: By the way, that deal is ridiculous

Official 2: I know, right. The model definitely doesn't capture half the risk.

Official 1: We should not be rating it

Official 2: We rate every deal. It could be structured by cows and we would rate it

Official 1: There is a lot of risk associated with it. I personally don’t feel comfy signing off as a committee member.

It is time for us, the good people in the media to ask. Why the fuck is the Hong Kong govt still taking rating from these jokers seriously.

And why are they making us take these rating up the arse, through our MPF (page 4)(中文版)?

係時候兜口兜面問曾蔭權、曾俊華、(and my current favourite)迫金局主席范鴻齡,點解要我地D錢卑 S&P 出嘅 rating 強姦?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

中信泰富 澳元概念股?



講真,我都等緊其他因為低B仔淫審處製造出來嘅不公義,被推翻。我今日大聲哭訴:「幾時推翻Kelly Brook事件?幾時停止選擇性行刑?幾時結束對報業嘅白色恐怖?」








Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yahoo 廣告的幽默感...

中信泰富 (0267) 今日 so far 股價走勢圖...

Yahoo 廣告部,即刻 send 架救護車卑佢...

Monday, October 20, 2008

四級投資者 你係邊級?












Just a reminder on Lehman's CDS settlement

Remember how the auction to determine the payout on CDS that protects one against Lehman's default?

And it was determined that Lehman's debt worth was 9 cents on the dollar?

Therefore the payout has to be 91% of Lehman's debt?

The estimated payout is US$250b+...

Well. The auction was held that day. But pay out is tmr. 21st of October.

Lets see whose going to pay up... And whose not.

Here's an interesting piece over at Roubini's site about this pay out tmr.

Will they 'net out' so that actual amount passed over is only US$6b... Or will counterparties fail leading to another cascade of credit crisis?

I will say this. Buying puts @ 3:57pm tmr sounds tempting. Just to punt on counter party failures...

But if on Wednesday morning, no counterparty went to finance heaven, I am buying calls and holding on to them till the US presidential election.

And yes, I will also add to my silver positions too.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


As the Hedge Funds unwind. Things get whacked.

A lot of European hedge funds bought silver. And a lot of them were based in London.

Supposedly this is happening (from naked capitalism)...

The US had huge problems with broker-dealers in the 1930s...Enter the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934. This is one piece of depression era legislation that survives and thank the Good Lord for that.

What the broker dealer act does is (a) ring fence the US broker dealer and (b) limit the amount that the broker dealer can borrow against your securities and the amount of collateral it may take.

I am hardly a lawyer – so take the bush lawyer caveat – but the way it works is that the broker dealer may not borrow against your securities to finance their own business, only client business. So Lehman Brothers US broker dealer could take collateral of securities and if they had 100 million out on client margin loans the most that they could raise using client securities is 100 million and not a brass razoo more. This is really important because it meant that client assets were not used to finance Lehman’s disastrous commercial real estate and other businesses.

Moreover when you deposit a million dollars at the broker dealer and give them the right to repledge those securities they can only rehypothecate 140 percent of your outstanding balances...

So (provided the broker is not acting criminally) you should get the bulk of your money back if the broker dealer fails. And provided the capital requirements are adequate (and they mostly are) the broker dealer won’t fail. Even the Drexel Burnham Broker Dealer did not fail....

The result. Whilst Lehman brothers went bust Lehman US broker dealer did not. This pretty well saved the US hedge fund industry.

Europe however was a different story. Lehman Europe failed – and the clients of the European broker dealer (read a good proportion of the London hedge fund community) are now queuing as unsecured creditors of Lehman. Many funds have folded. Far more have been nicked. Whilst the US hedge fund business is currently looking dazed, confused and a little problematic the UK business is on life support.

In some sense this is the end of the City of London.

So even if your hedge fund bet on the right things... Because Lehman failed, your hedge fund still got screwed.

Amazing that these hedge funds didn't want their assets ring fenced. I guess it is the same mentality as everyone who trusted Lehman as a counter party (yes, including mini bond holders)...

They all believed "...Lehman Can't fail..."

Friday, October 17, 2008














Thursday, October 16, 2008

Follow up on 理文造紙 (2314)


理文造紙 (2314) came out after the market closed and said that they are selling a subsidiary for HK$200 mil.

The reason I bought today was because I knew yesterday night that they called a press conference for today at 5:00pm, "to talk about on going operations"

Which coming right after their credit downgrade, I predicted would be about solving their liquidity issues.

So with this sale to raise money, see how the market will react on Monday.

Hopefully some will price in the fact that this is the first sale. More sales will come and they might not price in bankruptcy for the company.

Donald Tsang vs. Joe Yam

It looks like a real nasty fight is brewing between the HKMA and the HKSAR Govt.

It is as if GW Bush is going to battle against Ben Bernanke...


A lot of colourful details about the conflict between HKMA CEO Yam and HKSAR CE Tsang emerging. All stemming from the political backlash and counter backlash of the Lehman 'Mini Bond' affair.

Anyhow, as Tsang forces banks to repay part of what investors lost on Lehman, Yam is behind the banks. Yam is encouraging the banks to repeat the two finest words the British Empire gave to its colonies - "Fuck Off".

So Tsang is saying, "Everyone gets old, even Yam" implying Yam should follow the terms of his contract and leave next year.

And Yam returns with a piece on his blog about the risk and Moral Hazard with the government's 100% guarantee (last paragraph) on all HK deposits. And staying ever so on message with the labeling of "temporary", as if a taunt to the govt implying that the guarantee will be anything but temporary.

Wow. intra govt struggle with our banking system at stake.


Just bought stock at 3:55pm

Just bought 理文造紙 (2314) @ HK$2.18

理文 and 玖龍 (2689) are both priced for bankruptcy. Where they cannot roll over their loans.

Now... I am not surprised if they are completely screwed. But hard to accept that not even one will survive (through divine/govt/states-bank/private-equity intervention)...

And as a betting man, I won't take a punt on 玖龍, whose CEO publicly opposed 勞動法 the Labour Law in China late last year.

So... 理文 remains. Also it has a press conference today at 500pm. I am sure they will to address their debt/liquidity issue.

If not SELL SELL SELL on Monday hor hor hor

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

快打旋風 II

(hat tip to my good man Roland)














Monday, October 13, 2008













相信大家都知道,海上貨運非常依賴Letter of Credit(LC)去運作。Letter of Credit呢個系統要運作,就必須要國際銀行與銀行之間互相信任。一旦銀行互信蒸發,世界各地出入口商之間嘅貿易就會停頓,食物供應鏈都不會例外。


Sold my calls

Sold my callable bulls on HSI and HSCEI today, just before the noon close.

I really thought they were going to be recalled.

But good thing they didn't reach the trigger point.

Anyhow, sold for 40%+ and 80%+ return.


Interesting thoughts from 會計仔

會計仔 wrote about the current economic turmoil. Definitely worth a read.

He noted many things in his 筆記... This part is my favourite...

都唔知邊個 PK 發明看金融股只看ROE不看ROA,ROE只是ROA乘一個扛杆

Want to know the PK who invented that? Bankers.

But in a world where no one defaults... who cares about meagre Return on Assets.

If I had $10 capital, and I can borrow $390 to do $400 of business (40x leverage - less than Fannie, Freddie and Deutsche Bank).

My cost of interest is 5%, my return on assets is 6%. Assuming no one defaults or if mortgages, full recovery because of ever rising house prices... My return is 1% of $400... or $4...

$4 profit on $10 capital. Every year.

But even if only 1 year... After the first year, who ever came up with that plan in the bank will already have received a nice big bonus. And bought an apartment in 西九...

Also, everyone reading this blog who is at or was in business school. You can throw whatever you have learnt about securitization out of the window and pretended those classes never happened.

And if possible, it is time schools taught about defaults when teaching banking at all levels... Even Form 4 + 5 level. All I learnt was the credit creation process... And never about bank runs, defaults and wealth destruction.

How will capital be allocated going forward? Well... I have been seeing a lot of HSBC commercial banking ads lately on CNBC.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Bought Bull today at 3:57pm...

Bought Callable Bull today at 3:57pm on HSCE and HSI.

See how it goes.

Probably be called first thing Monday morning. hor hor hor










其實,前日我都聽到話有大戶要求銀行,為佢準備7 位數字嘅美元鈔票,一嚿現金擺喺銀行保險箱。呢個舉動,當然係對銀行制度投不信任票,雖然星展銀行事件已證明,保險箱都唔係百分百安全,不過我都可以明白。因為當全球貨幣政策都係圍繞住美元咁走,而花旗國政府將會排山倒海咁發債,世界已食唔落美債,唔信銀行係可以明白。



Thursday, October 09, 2008

最後一著... 求神來一次 Divine Intervention

全球減息究竟 work 唔 work?

我只可以話,記得 MC HAMMER 既朋友...

"...We need to pray, just to make it today..."

Wednesday, October 08, 2008













I see people seem to have a reaction upon reading this piece I wrote.

I welcome any thoughts on this matter. Thank you.

Monday, October 06, 2008





大家可能會問:「區區一個二百萬人口嘅小國,愛爾蘭嘅首相唔去,so what?孫柏文又膠up。」等我解釋點解。




同樣情況都喺花旗國出現。財長保爾森見到花旗國啲非常低利息、傳統上未輸過存戶錢(因為投資傳統上非常安全嘅資產)、啲人用來代替普通銀行存款、不過唔係傳統被監管嘅銀行,提供啲叫做money market嘅戶口,被人瘋狂擠提。所以9月29日就宣佈完全保證呢啲戶口,為期三個月。

可能因為呢啲money market戶口嘅總存款額,達到34000億美元,所以如果存戶同一時間抽錢走,啲戶口經理人同一時間變賣戶口資產套現,市場會進一步動盪,所以財長出嚟保證係可以理解。


點知個後果就係,當時只得十萬美元上限保證嘅傳統銀行存款,即刻出現擠提。資金湧入啲 money market戶口,放棄傳統銀行存款。


再講,特區銀行存款保證得十萬元,現在冇一個本地銀行嘅債主(當然包括存戶),知道啲本地銀行資產係乜。如果出事特區政府會點反應?所以有理由相信本港大客戶已經投靠愛爾蘭政府或者花旗國 money market戶口。佢哋心諗:「未擠提?唔理性!」


Final note: This capital flight due to some government's guarantee is now forcing all govts to extend this guarantee.

I wrote the piece above Sunday afternoon. Then on Monday morning, Germany announced it will guarantee all deposits.

Now... I heard Hong Kong Govt will also do so...

I don't know. There is no leadership in Hong Kong government right now. Keep an eye out for Wednesday on Money Cafe. I will be doing a Jim Cramer. I am really pissed off.














Sunday, October 05, 2008

For your kids...

Econ lessons delivered via cartoons.

Topic: Money supply and Hyper inflation

Saturday, October 04, 2008

The last epic US$700b bullet

In my last post, I said that this bill was the last epic bullet the government can fire.

And even with it, the TED spread failed to narrow (for what TED spread is and what it is important please refer to my the prior post just below).

I would say this. The market is NOT impressed by the government HAVING this bullet.

We know Big Game Hunter Paulson has this bullet in his chamber, but we don't know how he is going to fire it.

I would add this. Lets see how he is going to fire it. I think he will move before Asian Market opens.

Lets see how he fires it and whats the effect. He has said that the money will be spent buying crap with a 'reverse auction' method.

As to how my "06 Vintage Southern California Alt-A Liar Loans Mortgage with 700 pts Credit score borrowers" will compete with your "05 Florida Prime but Junior CDS" on price is anybody's guess.

I got a feeling a lot of US bloggers will flame every purchase as a dud.

Finally, as this tsunami is taking out commercial borrowers such as other corporations, even if US$700b sounds like a lot of money, how far can it go.

Keep looking at the TED spread my friends. It will be highly indicative of what happens.

Deal is passed. Nothing changed. Last bullet fired?

Super mega US$700b "Lets buy crap we can't value via reverse auction" plan passed in the House of Representative today.

The whole point of the plan is so that institutions of all kinds will start lending to each other.

The best measure of the willingness to lend between banking institution is the TED spread.

What is the TED spread? From wikipedia...

The TED spread is the difference between the interest rates on inter-bank loans and short-term U.S. government debt ("T-bills").

Anyhow, with the US$700b bill finally passing you would expect the TED spread to decrease. The difference between interbank loans interest rate and T Bill rate to narrow...

Nope. From Bloomberg...

As of 3pm US Eastern Daylight-savings Time (EDT), The TED spread is still at a record high of 3.8%.

I don't know where the US markets will close today.

All I can say is this.

1. The deal passed
2. The deal is the one final epic bullet the US government can fire.
3. It is having NO EFFECT.

My friends, next week. I believe we will see a crash.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Picking up talent in the carnage

I have always said that this blow up of the financial sector will release a lot of talent back into the labour pool to be sorted through and picked up.

Kinda like when I was a younger man playing 三國志 computer game, and if you are skillful enough to kill 劉備 and him only, you will be able to pick up 張飛、關公 etc...

Would love if they can do this in Hong Kong too...

Playboy looks for bare market on Wall Street
Thu Oct 2, 2008 2:04pm EDT

By Robert MacMillan

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Playboy magazine is offering a new way to lose your shirt on Wall Street.

The adult entertainment magazine, long famous for its photo spreads of nude women and lessons in living the urbane life of the well-heeled bachelor, is launching a search for models to pose for its upcoming feature, "Women of Wall Street."

Playboy came up with the idea for the feature after the onset of the global financial crisis, which has vaporized fortunes and left Wall Street reeling. It is planned for the February 2009 edition of the monthly magazine and on its website.

"When the news gets bad, then maybe that's a chance to make people smile by coming up with something that puts a different twist on it," said Gary Cole, Playboy's photo editor.

Playboy and frequently run specials such as "Girls of Olive Garden" and "Women of Home Depot," but in the past it has garnered attention for big business news themes.

It published "Women of Enron" and "Women of WorldCom" after the companies' spectacular failures. The magazine ran a "Women of Wall Street" feature nearly 20 years ago.

Playboy is seeking current and former employees of the financial world, and is especially interested in those with more senior job experience.

"It would be more interesting to have someone who's a financial analyst," said Cole.

Models must work for a financial institution or have recently worked for one, and prove that they are at least 18 years old.

"How many attractive women do you ... think there are working on Wall Street and the affiliated companies?" Cole said when asked how much success he thought Playboy would have in finding candidates. "There has to be thousands and thousands."

Playboy likely will photograph about 20 women, he said, adding that compensation would depend partly on how many women apply.

"Whether you offer them $500 or $1,000 or $2,000 a piece, that's probably not going to change anybody's mind," he said. "The reason they do this is because they want the attention, the opportunity, the experience of doing it. It's not really for the money."

Playboy is soliciting applications at

A must see video for those who wants to get a feel of the foreclosure crisis.

This video must be watched by those who wants to see and feel what is going on in the epicentre of the Foreclosure crisis. About 11 mins long.

For those of you who thinks, "A lot of money lent to Americans... Where did it all go?"

Well. The houses are one thing. But when the banks or financial institution that are foreclosing, needs to clean out the house of everything, a 'trash out' occurs. That is when all things left behind by owners are thrown out into the Land fill.

Functioning products (probably made in China) are going to the land fill as rubbish. Value TOTALLY destroyed.

The money lent to Americans? Into Landfills. So stop saying, "the money must have gone to someone." It didn't. It is now buried into the soil.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Bailout Bill 2.0 (don't be so confident yet)

It is getting very interesting.

The good folks over at the Money Cafe Blog is betting that there will be a deal the next time round.

That is a speculation I can accept as reasonable.

Of course, whats different between the bill that was defeated in Tuesday and the one coming next (as for when? who knows? But if you say Thursday... hor hor hor)

By the way, the 485 pts rise in the Dow...

I think the effect of the "considering by" accounting standards board in "suspending" mark to market accounting played a huge part (but the effect of suspending it could be bad).

As for 'progress' in the bailout bill... After all, all those legislative politicians speaking in DC yesterday about "confidence in passing a new bill"... Were from the Senate.

From the House of Representative? Silence.

And you know why the silence? Read and weep(from wired).

House Website Crumbles Under Weight of $700 Billion Bailout

Not only is the economy crashing, but so is part of the House of Representative's website.

The site's button -- "Write Your Representative" -- was bombarded by millions of constituents wanting to speak their mind about the stalled $700 billion Wall Street bailout.

A government official, Jeff Ventura, who runs the site, said millions of clicks on the feature might bring down the entire site.

Here's what the "Write Your Representative" button said when we clicked it:

Also, the web traffic to the House Web site during the period right before the bailout vote was second only to the 911 report.

These people are complaining to their House Representatives, and trust me, they will do it again. The House Representatives can't even be bribed to pass this bill with golden parachutes into Investment banks anymore. The irony is rich.

God Bless a bicameral system.