Friday, January 30, 2009


「 恭 喜 發 財 」 變 成 「 啋 ! 啋 ! 啋 ! 」 黃 大 仙 紀 律 部 隊 宿 舍 第 一 座 全 幢 29 層 超 過 200 個 警 察 家 庭 , 昨 日 大 年 初 四 人 人 有 份 , 每 戶 都 收 到 一 封 郵 寄 「 大 利 是 」 , 但 並非 「 財 神 到 」 , 因 為 他 們 拆 開 利 是 封 見 到 的 , 竟 是 「 冥 通 銀 行 」 陰 司 紙 。

真 是 大 吉利 是 !

各 戶 人 家 互 通 訊 息 後 決 定 報 警 , 警 方 調 查 相 信 這 次 並 非 一 般 惡 作 劇 , 懷 疑 是針 對 15 樓 一 戶 警 察 世 家 其 中 一 名 新 紮 師 兄 , 據 說 跟 他 的 感 情 糾 紛 有 關 , 而 且 滋 擾情 況 已 持 續 四 個 月 , 但 以 今 次 最 為 惡 毒 。


所以 old school 用郵寄...


喺下面《唱旺09》呢隻歌賀年裏面,唱到經濟時(2 min 16 sec)有句「雷曼會自然被打殘」嘅歌詞...

如果填詞人王祖籃真係就咁寫咗呢句歌詞嘅話,話佢「膚淺」已經超卑面... Understatement of the Year, so far...


銷售 雷曼 產品嘅金融機構,會自然被打殘」...



作為一個供稿單位,我嘅結論係... 一定係編輯嘅錯!



試問今時今日,仲有咩人會信啲財經專家、分析員嘅預測?幾日前辭職,被譽為「08華爾街最準策略師」,大摩嘅Abhijit Chakrabortti,預測08年收市點數都錯成621點。大家可能會話:「淨係錯621點,好勁囉!」最弊佢測嘅係標普500指數呢!咁就係華爾街最準囉!




Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama 好野!

一個新總統既第一批行政指令,就係佢對外界既 first impression。

例如當年克林鈍第一個行政指令,就係卑同性戀者當兵既 Don't ask don't tell 指令。

咁 Obama 既第一批行政指令,就係再次卑外界特別係傳媒可以透過 Freedom of Information Act 去搵政府文件同資料。

喺呢刻,Fox Business Channel 正係用緊呢條法例去迫花旗國財政部公開佢地點用納稅人既錢去救 AIG、Bank of New York、Citigroup。

究竟 D 錢去晒邊?


Wednesday, January 21, 2009



I wondered here what our CE Tsang really said about Ronnie Tong.


蕭若元 has further analysis on the pronunciation.

崖上的波兒 - 成龍 karaoke 字幕版...

I am not even going to add any comments...

Just go watch... And learn the words to the song.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009




1. 胡紅玉 - 當年肥彭委任(連同陸恭惠)既造反民主派立法會議員...

2. 葉維義 - 壹傳媒 獨立董事...

3. 李澤楷 - 開名挺「民主派」莫乃光...





Rapiere's response... They are not true democrats...

1. 胡紅玉 - Li Ka Shing's man

2. 葉維義 - Resigned from Next Media (282), also he is a director on other companies...

3. 李澤楷 - He is after all Richard Li... What do we know about what he is thinking?

All good points...

TARP for HSBC Finance!

From the Times UK...

Investor puts pressure on HSBC to let US sub-prime unit go bankrupt

HSBC came under pressure to let Household, its American sub-prime bank, go bankrupt yesterday, in order to avoid an expensive rights issue or government bailout.

The proposal was dismissed by HSBC, although the bank is to consider making a cash call in the coming months that some analysts believe could involve it asking for £13.5billion from shareholders.

Knight Vinke, the activist investor, told The Times last night that HSBC should refuse to pay the bondholders that fund Household's business, which it estimated would save the bank an estimated $35 billion. (£23.6 billion).

Eric Knight, Knight Vinke's chief executive, said: “Why should HSBC's shareholders take all the pain when these [Household] bondholders are unsecured?” To do this, HSBC would have to threaten to allow Household to take Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection...

... HSBC said that the proposal was unrealistic, as it would hamper the ability of the bank - Europe's biggest - to raise money from American bondholders. A source close to the company said: “If HSBC did this they would be counting themselves out of any future big US bond issue. And they would probably have their US banking licence revoked.”...

I say HSBC should go talk to Tim Geithner (Hank Paulson's successor as Treasury Secretary). Get 2nd round TARP to 'invest' into Household International with MASSIVE dilution to HSBC Holdings.

Dilution means HSBC no longer owner and can walk away.

Also, It is easier for the American govtto buy into Household International than HSBC holdings. For HI is American.

Someone forward this to Green please?

Monday, January 19, 2009


HSBC Hong Kong closed @ HK$62.3

HSBC in London currently trading at HK$52...

Thank you Household International.

Thank you to those in HSBC who were responsible for buying it.

And you want us to have children?

My piece in the Standard today, as Research Director of the Lion Rock Institute.


And you want us to have children?

As a 31-year-old male born and raised in Hong Kong, I am at a stage in life and mind where one could say I am seeking to "settle down." Be a family man. Embrace the future with a vote in confidence by securing a partner, who shares my desire to have children.

This yearning, I am sure, is shared by many in my demographic. Yet, great apprehension overrides and hesitation grips. No doubt, there will be some who blame such apprehension on the fickleness of our generation. We grew up in relative prosperity and never seem to want the challenges of great responsibilities, especially one as great as raising a family. As a member of the aforementioned generation, I'm the first to admit that it is indeed because of fickleness that we remain apprehensive.

If the root cause was only as simple as fickleness by nature, I have no grounds for anger. But the fickleness unfortunately stems from forces not in our hands.

All parents when holding their child, though, always dream of greatness, hope at the very least their children will become productive members of society. Hope they would able to take care of themselves and not burden others.

Knowing this, individuals of our generation, especially when courtship begins, are nevertheless without hope...

Continued here...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I like Rosemary...


I am not going to lie, I have liked Rosemary since I was like 19.

She was 15 back then.

Anyhow, I heard she is going to form a Pussycat Doll like dance/singing group, called New Faces.

I just want to wish her all the best. Am looking forward to her work.

More analysis of the miracle landing on the Hudson...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Did he really say...

Did our Chief Executive really say 狗噏?

Can someone in the media follow up with the CE office? Can this be played to University professors who teach speech or languages? And ask these professors what did he say?

What about the transcript... Is there any?

I think this can blow up big. If someone with power chases it.

Bank of the day...


you might be looking at HSBC or Bank of America.

But I think this is where the action is tonight.

Barclays' down 27% at the moment of writing.


Plane safely landing in the River...

I am guessing this picture proves my father right...

Study hard, work hard... make a lot of $$... so when you fly, fly first class.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Bank of America...

Seems like Bank of America's CEO is being criticized from all sides...

Henry Blodget (of 1999 AMZN $400 price target fame) even wants him fired. For buying stupid stuff like Merrill Lynch...

Unlike Vikram Pandit at Shitigroup and John Thain at Merrill, Lewis can't blame the need for this bailout on his predecessor's idiotic bets. Bank of America needs another bailout solely because of an idiotic Ken Lewis bet: His decision three months ago to buy Merrill Lynch.

No one put a gun to Ken's head and said "You've got to buy Merrill." There wasn't some secret backroom Treasury deal where Hank Paulson forced him to take one for the team...

Now... I say one does not need to wait till BofA's acquisition to appreciate Ken Lewis' stupidity.

It was Countrywide.

And it wasn't even their US$4b all stock offer for Countrywide in Jan 08. It was their US$2b ALL CASH infusion into Countrywide back in August of 07 for 16% (!?!) of Countrywide...

AND WHAT DID 孫柏文 SAY, when BofA took over Countrywide in Jan 08? (Apple Daily version)

除咗以上(Aug 07「資金自由行」)消息,仲有(Aug 07)美銀BOA宣佈以20億美元現金入股Countrywide,買16%股權。



Image first appeared 16 Jan 2008

If only Ken Lewis listened to my father's advice...


A interesting piece written by 程介明 in 信報 today.

The piece is titled 教育=學習? (subscription required)

Anyhow, he cited a few examples of how student who "did well" in education nevertheless learnt nothing.

Here are the examples... And my comments...




(孫柏文 comment, "That was me! Division of Labour by process!")


第二個例子(以前在本欄也介紹過):一個中一的學生,英文默書 unseen(事先不知道的)一定零分;但是 seen(預先念好的)的默書可以拿到八、九十分。詳細追蹤之下,原來這位學生在過去的六年小學裏面,英文從來念不來,只會死記字母;大概是記憶力特強,因此只要前一夜背好,可以拿到八、九十分。要是即時由教師念出來的,一定寫不出來,因此零分。


(孫柏文 comment, "I failed regardless of test format")




(孫柏文 comment, "I wasn't that smart... But this kid could work in an investment bank... He sure knows how to game the shit out of the 中五會考 system... aka in Cantonese 屈爆機啦!會考都卑佢屈爆,Moody's、S&P is nothing!!")




(孫柏文 comment, "識「講數」?「講數」叻仲要卑人話:「條友淨係識吹水。」")




(孫柏文 comment, "All I can say is our education system is Hong Kong's most powerful contraceptive...")

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My wage got cut!


My wage got cut... And I only found out because some one (that does not work at next media) sent me a link to a website!


Just because I have been off a week, to people working in a daily, you might as well have disappeared...

Thursday, January 08, 2009

UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury ETF

尋日,我喺 Money Cafe 話美國國債嘅泡沫,應該爆緊。亦推介咗隻睇淡同拋空20年期以上美國國債嘅ETF... UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury ETF








對上一個泡沫,就係科網泡沫。相信大家都應該記得,和黃(13)賣「橙」卑 Mannesmann個一個振奮嘅故事。不過唔知大家仲記唔記得,除咗 Orange 之外,和黃仲持好多一間叫 Voicestream 嘅美國無線電話公司嘅股票。

之後,Deutsche Telekom 用現金同股換股方法,買咗 Voicestream,和黃就搞到成手都係 Deutsche Telekom 嘅股票。

大家要記得,Deutsche Telekom 喺 2000年最高見過 €100 一股。

到咗 2001年8月,已經跌到得番€25 一股。

Here's a chart of the ADR of Deutsche Telekom in US$

2001年8月有乜咁特別?李嘉誠嘅和黃,就喺個一刻批晒手頭上所有 Deutsche Telekom 嘅股票。

€100 跌到 €25 都賣?...冇錯,就係跌咁多都賣。

仲要搞到 Deutsche Telekom 同 Deutsche Bank 反面。因為和黃搵 Deutsche Bank 幫佢賣股。

最後 Deutsche Telekom 嘅股價點?到2002年10月,跌穿€9。

大家知唔知最大鑊係乜?Deutsche Telekom 之後都係再未試過升穿€20



Thursday, January 01, 2009


水門事件中爆料卑報館嘅「深喉」,上個禮拜bye bye。




That's it folks!

It's been quite a ride!




學生即時彈起身,雖然嚇一跳,不過清醒起嚟咁答:「亞 Sir,我真係聽唔到你問乜。不過答案係政府應該加大開支!」


喺外國,各行各業好多時有個patron saint「主保聖人」,例如蛋糕師傅嘅主保就係St. Honore。








不過早前,90年代合和個前稱Mega Tower嘅計劃,諮詢十幾年,李慧玲咪今年先至做嘢反對。成功推翻之後,仲要將聲帶剪輯成推廣該節目嘅廣告。

孫柏文唔知個廣告仲有冇播,不過是否代表Mega Tower可以復活?唔通一注獨贏買合和?