老竇:「香港以前真係冇呢個權,因為根據幾百年來案例,easement權只係適用於freehold永遠擁有嘅地,除咗中環St. John's Cathedral塊地之外,香港啲地全部leasehold,即係問政府租,政府先係最終地主。即係除咗St. John's Cathedral之外,冇其他人塊地可要求行使easement權。」
老竇:「不過,如果你上網睇。今年4月終審庭判出咗一單政府同一間叫Sun Honest Development嘅官司,寫判詞嘅外借法官Lord Millet,就將easement權伸延俾leasehold嘅地。終審庭案例喎,下邊啲庭仲唔跟足?」
我:「咁就易打番轉頭啦。如果我係發展商,就land search搵晒啲合資格業主,跟住高賠償庭外和解,其他啲就唔使理佢哋食自己。地產霸權你估係浪得虛名㗎?」
Mr Suen, I've been following your blog for some time, nice reading, good work. Want to share with you some view from the perspective of a local architect to your posted subject. It is really hard for Mei Foo residents to defend the case with 'Easement'. Just a look at the urban developments, and you will realize the requirements for 'natural ventilation and light' under current regulation is not very stringent. By putting a road of 4.5m along the northern and western boundary of the site, 80C, 90A, 94A and 96C on the abutting these 'roads' already comply fully with the lighting requirement. For the 102A and 104C facing the eastern boundary of the site there is already some buffer space between these flat and the site. The lighting requirement could easily be satisfied with slight set-back of the new tower.
ReplyDeleteThats the whole point of suing under the new ruling... To change executive actions.
I wonder would anyone challenge under the new easement rules.
Suen, the whole point of my comment is that the definition of 'light' and 'air' is well written in the current regulations. Under such that set of rules, the new building could still be built in a manner that the 'sea-view' for those existing flats being completely blocked and at the same time the provisions of 'light' and 'air' to those existing flats still comply with the minimum standard stipulated in the regulations (although such provisions are adversely affected by the new building).
ReplyDeleteIn fact the Buildings (Planning) Regulation 37 reads as 'No building shall be erected in such a manner as to reduce the quantity of light and air available to any other building, which has been erected in accordance with these regulations, below that required under these regulations.'
note the last phrase, 'below that required under these regulations'.
In other words, even if someone do challenge under the new easement rules, it is very easy for the developer to defend his case in the aspect of 'air' and 'light' provisions.
I understand your worries.
ReplyDeleteIF IT WAS UP TO THE EXECUTIVE branch of the government to decide how to apply the easement concept, I would say that you are right.
However, now it is up to the judiciary. And one can sue to STOP development on a case by case basis.
Stuffed Duck educated individuals will look at the current regulations such as Buildings (Planning) Regulation 37 and say "hey, there are already rules that claims to apply the concept of easement."
But it is a whole different ball game when the courts, armed with new test case results, to challenge. Just make sure one hires a good lawyer that understand what Lord Millet wrote.
ie. don't hire 涂謹申 hor hor hor
ReplyDeleteI like your punchline....hahaha
ReplyDeleteI do like to see the current 'lighting and ventilation' regulations being overhauled...if someone do challenge the adequacy of those rules. They are actually outdated and we can feel their 'side-effect' right now....look at those 'screen towers' all over the city...>_<
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