If around 21000 is to be top (according to Fibonacci).
We need a massive strengthening of the US Dollar.
The chart below is a prediction (based on a descending triangle), that if the US Dollar Index were to break below 78.3, it will fall catastrophically to 67.
And if that happens, all kinds of crap will be forced sky high.

My guess is the US Dollar index will strengthen. Stock Markets around the world is driven by no attachment to future earnings.
Beware everyone. Keep an eye out for the USD.
ReplyDelete我認為大淡友絕對估計唔到恆指可以在今年內升破二萬點, 大淡友現在大概認為股市隨時大冧, 大家要綁緊安全帶.
ReplyDeleteUSD down, stock market should keep going up.
ReplyDeleteUSD up, bye bye stock market.
there is correlation between USD and stocks, but hard to say USD weakness is a reason for the rise in stocks.
ReplyDelete先後會唔會錯左?經濟有望向好,股市上升,資金唔需要流入美股/債避險,所以 USD 先跌?
ReplyDeleteHey Andrew, saw you at the pool tonight. And then in the change room I heard some guy trying to chat with you :p
ReplyDelete你這個是一周頂? 一月頂? 一季頂?一年頂?
If insanity need reasons to support its actions, doesn't it makes the people who really think that even more insane?
ReplyDelete出口術加息之日, 冧市之時
ReplyDeletebelow 78.3 tonight
ReplyDeletewe're all waiting for pakman to cut loss his put before the market crash! ha
ReplyDelete... btw, time to call for silver la ...
If the Dollar Index fell to 67 and the dollar were eventually devalued, what would happen to HKD?
ReplyDeleteHi Mr. Packman,
ReplyDeleteI'm your reader from Canada and have been your reader for a long time. I totally agreed with you that we're all in a bear market bounce. But this rally has indeed put a lot of technical analysts out of their jobs --- they've been screaming the market being overbought for three weeks but the stock markets have been going higher.
Anyway, the current rally is thanks to the TARP money from the States, giving the investment banks opportunities to pop up the markets to lure more investors to put more money in the market to create another bubble.
Here is my blog discussing economic issues, one in Chinese (updated daily) and the other updated in English (updated weekly).
2009/08/06 17:41《中國要聞》商務部︰可適當降高檔商品稅率,將境外消費轉至境內
仲有中国内地股市“国际板”开闸,咁大笨象同阿仔都話要回歸袓國懷抱,而且應該陸續有來....咁係唔係可以向港交所說Bye Bye??