今日要喺投資版到同大家分享呢句,係因孫柏文對上幾日收到好多人轉寄原本喺背後講嘅網上流言,關於上周我喺 TVB節目《盛女愛作戰》中嗰幾十秒嘅說話。
段片好簡單,就係我被問到第一次約女仔會去邊,同有冇其他女仔有嘅特質我覺得好。咁我就話第一次,可以約食晏去老麥,同埋因以前遇過令我覺得好正嘅女仔,之後發現都有睇 Economist同網上短片 TED.com,所以我都講話自己覺得有呢啲閱讀習慣嘅女仔好正,就係咁簡單。
嘩!點知「食晏去老麥」變咗潮語同 Inside joke,原本發霉嘅 TED app喺蘋果 App store銷售全港第四,「孫柏文」更成為 Google搜尋第一最多人查嘅詞。
當我仲諗住冇可能 Top到舊年貓咗上直播電視,原來可以更 Notorious。
不過就係咁,多年來對住唔同嘅女仔,我都會走去傾計,當中有索有豬扒,不過點解好似狗公般,乜女都上前傾,就係因為 Turn me on嘅嘢,個女仔要開口我先知。
係,我認會吸引我上港交所( 388)網站睇你份年報,不過,睇完盤數之後發覺你唔掂,跟住就會行開唔買唔 Recommend。
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ReplyDelete閣下今日係蘋果編野真係好廢喎,Fair啲呀大佬! 08年樓市供應開始少, 就係因為08年之前既3-4年開始停賣地嘛, 你識唔識地產個週期呀?!用08年海嘯解析?! 海嘯都係一年姐, 之後都大印銀紙, 點解樓市短缺到而家呀? 想繼續做財經演員, 就咪寫埋d犯眾憎既野啦! 我會叫d friends以後唔睇你個專欄, 再有下次, 我寫去蘋果投訴!
I suggest you reread.
DeleteAnd oh BTW, are you one of those who can't afford to buy a flat now?
And if so, did you buy in 06-07? If not why not?
Haha, thanks to you a million HK girls have to torture themselves through vigorous talks on Africa, politics and science (and i have to endure listening to them making a comment on it during dinner). Well at least there are some magic tricks on there which makes them go wow (but then they still fail to figure out the message behind the illusion.)
ReplyDeleteThe problem is not how much they read or the type they read but rather whether anything actually interests. It doesn't matter if they know nothing as long as they remain curious! If a HK person has to draw a map of the world i think HK would fill up 1/2, then countries of interests for shopping such as Korea, Japan, Italy and France fills up another quarter and then the rest of the world has to be squeezed into the rest of the page. Africa is somewhere off the page I'm sure along with the middle east in another universe. The above also relates to HK guys. Not just girls!
HK is a lost cause, go date foreigners!
Curiosity... Definitely the hallmark of a sexy chica.
DeleteAnyhow, my affinity for those who knows whats going on simply stems from my selfish perspective of no wanting to lose interest in a woman.
I have Attention deficit disorder, and I just want to never lose interest in the girl I am with. Ever, till death do us part.
Anyhow, Foreigners. I am pretty sure that the Kong guys and Kong girls working abroad (ie. other people's foreigners) or has spent substantial time abroad are more interesting to be with than the average HK person.
Anyhow, I like this comment very much. Made me think.
唔想做剩女..就要先瞭解男人..透過瞭解你地.就可以更瞭解自己..why not?點計都無蝕底..
If you think I am talented, I have you fooled. hor hor hor
DeleteAs for being honest in knowing what I want, it is derived from many painful previous experiences. Boredom is a fate worst than death. I was just hoping that by laying my case out in the open, kong girls will get to know at least what one kong man thinks.
Anyhow, very nice to meet you. The feeling is mutual = )
ReplyDeleteThanks! Was flogged real bad for my McDs idea.