喺下面《唱旺09》呢隻歌賀年裏面,唱到經濟時(2 min 16 sec)有句「雷曼會自然被打殘」嘅歌詞...
如果填詞人王祖籃真係就咁寫咗呢句歌詞嘅話,話佢「膚淺」已經超卑面... Understatement of the Year, so far...

其實王祖籃完本嘅歌詞係「銷售 雷曼 產品嘅金融機構,會自然被打殘」...
作為一個供稿單位,我嘅結論係... 一定係編輯嘅錯!
ReplyDelete王 祖 藍 說 : 「 今 次 用 兩 個 鐘 完 成 任 務 , 仲 參 加 埋 MV 編 導 工 作 , 真 係 一 手 一 腳 踢 , 我 有 份 度 橋 創 作 。 」
你咁講即係暗示祖藍首歌係人地幫佢填jer. 哼!
佢咁辛苦花左兩個鐘黎填詞, 仲要幫MV編導, 全程一手一腳做, 邊會有咩編輯幫佢? 你唔好屈祖藍wor!
首歌一定係祖藍親力親為既創作, 仲要冇經過其他槍手修改既創作!!!!
Two hours, wow............. My mom's soup takes longer than that.
ReplyDeleteGuess people still don't realize that the cause for that song to exist at the first place is because "smart" people were too optimistic and far from realistic. Not to promote pessimistic here, just hope people would actually want to be more realistic.
My mom's soup takes longer than that too!
Unless she uses Campbell soup.
hey what's wrong with campbell? they are not the best but they have persistent performance =p
ReplyDeleteThey are not only consistent...
ReplyDeleteThey are umm... umm... good...
hor hor hor