如果問我,《便利》今次擺到明想抄日本仔將啲12歲女仔嘅泳衣相刊登, 最弊好似我當年大學嘅南韓裔同房話齋:「On sex, Japanese are fxcked up!」(講到性,啲日本仔真係變態o架!)大家諗諗,以李蘊當時嘅樣,根本同一個未發育少女一模一樣,如果唔知道來龍去脈,真係仲估係個小朋友。《便 利》喺《防止兒童色情物品條例》之下被告,真係唔出奇。
我記得1996年,模特兒Rosemary喺14 歲出道嘅時候,影過一輯我到今時今日都仲歷歷在目嘅泳衣相。當時,冇人出聲,我諗係因為如果當時你同港英政府講「要求」引用《防止兒童色情物品條例》告 人,我相信當時嘅鬼佬官員會問你一句:「Exactly which part of her looks like a child?」大家都應該知道孫柏文絕對支持言論自由,而今次嘅判決就話呢輯照片喺香港可以刊登。不過tasteless都始終係tasteless,就當今次成件事嘅silver lining就係喺香港法例之下,就連tasteless嘅言論都係受保護嘅,都係free speech。

1996年嘅 Rosemary
Hm...exactly which part?
ReplyDeleteWe need more Rosemary, less 李蘊!
I hope those 壹本便利 boss don't read your blog hahaha tasteless? I think thats what they're aiming for!
I asked the editor to really blow up big the photo of Rosemary in the newspaper edition. The editor refused.
ReplyDeleteSaying it was tasteless... hahahahhaa
How dare she use my arguments on myself!