Monday, October 08, 2007

Boys and Girls... Perhaps time for Plan B?


  1. Quote from people in Taiwan in 2004 election:Two rotten apples, I can just choose the less rotten one.
    兩個阿太在補選過後,頭頂了經直選洗禮的光環,究竟會為香港人爭取普選,還是他們只在乎爭取同其終極目標中央政府交心?I Doubt.

  2. Plan B?

    Krisiechan, cannot agree more - Ip is far from acceptable and Chan is less than desirable. So, I wonder if people would choose reluctantly, or if they will just call a pass this time.

    Think about this, which is easier: 1) getting a Canadian citizenship, or 2) fighting for universal suffrage and freedom.

    I would say 1 is definitely easier. When people say Canadian economy is not as vibrant as Hong Kong's - but let me remind you, in the 60's, the most prosperous and internationalize city was Manila. Planned economy and military rule can reduce a city's success in a matter of ten or twenty years. There is no reason why Hong Kong is infallible.

    So, when I saw the crowd fighting for universal suffrage, I am glad that this worthy attracted a passionated and committed group of citizen. But when we were defending Hong Kong citizens' personal freedom, we were surprised that many Hong Kong people are misguided (thanks to the government propaganda through education) or even hostile to the very freedom they had been enjoying.

    Plan B? My understanding is the apply for Canadian residency. They made it so easy for anyone with a postgraduate degree and fluent in English. Pretty much you are prequalified.

    By the way, the Canadian Conservative (I love this name way better than PC) introduced a few tax cuts - nice move consider how socialist Canada is. Certainly, they are moving from the left to right but we are moving backward to a direction destine to fail.

  3. 這事可否了解為"陳太支持普選, 但不完全支持泛民的政見",所以先有"做一半,不做另一半"的情況出現?

  4. 一注獨贏買何來!
