Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Lies will always catch up to you...

Retribution will always come to those who sets themselves up for it.
No matter how late it comes.


  1. my gillian,,,,


  2. 如果信她是天真和傻;那天真和傻的人應該是我們...

  3. 今次可謂電影業十年難得一遇的「商機」!


    導演:陳奧圖 或 麥當傑
    演員:事件中男女主角+當中其中一位老公。(gossip性會拍得住tom cruise當年同nicole kidman的大開眼戒)、另外可以搵下徐大俠、孫柏文or 青姐客串下d角色。




  4. 用可加入意見的Keytalks看這段片,更加有感覺XD


  5. 每個人都有自己的私生活及私穩, 呢D係佢地嘅私人相片。

    Edison, Gillian, Bobo, Cecil, etc, 全部都係受害者,因為被人偷咗佢地嘅私人相片。


  6. 每個人都有自己的私生活及私穩, 呢D係佢地嘅私人相片。

    Edison, Gillian, Bobo, Cecil, etc, 全部都係受害者,因為被人偷咗佢地嘅私人相片。


  7. 每個人都有自己的私生活及私穩, 呢D係佢地嘅私人相片。

    Edison, Gillian, Bobo, Cecil, etc, 全部都係受害者,因為被人偷咗佢地嘅私人相片。


  8. 你們蘋果的人真的非常記仇、缺乏同情心,還會落井下石呢。


  9. Anon:

    我 Get 到你個 point, 唔洗重覆三次

  10. Yo sun bin,

    All I can say is that it was not us that punished her.

    It was a higher power.

    We just reported. Like all media should.

  11. Dude that's a bit harsh. Yes she's a fake, so what. People buy that and that's it. I pity her and her response is likely not her idea. She's just a money making tool for the record company. She's really a victim here, not only did she get exposed for just having some fun, she probably has no control over how she can respond. Think about it... she's sandwiched between the record companies and the populace like you. Given the circumstances that's probably the best she can do.

    What I want to see, however, is a parody of the so-called apology from that stupid cowardly fuk.

  12. well, putting it this way, EEG claimed that those photos are "manipulated" and gillian NEVER admitted they are real during the press con.

    so for those who believe the photos are real, including me (although i want to believe they are fakes), it is clear that she and her company is a big liar, no doubt about it.

    for those who still think they are fakes, then you don't need to feel bad for their privacy being intruded, cuz they are fakes.

    this is all about role playing after all. the images and the personalities of these so called artists ain't really what they are in their private life, and i suppose every adult should know that. it's just a reality show that goes on forever. things got out of hand because not everyone can distinguish that. so to me "鍾欣桐" is just a role that "鍾嘉勵" plays, and "鍾嘉勵" can do whatever she wants in her private life.

    to sun bin:

    if you think a big fat guy should have a more "氣量", then that is a bias. what you are saying in an other word is that skinny people should have less "氣量".

    you can say they are "缺乏同情心,還會落井下石", i totally agree. but i can't agree upon "非常記仇", since they are writing harsh articles not only about gillian, but about everyone involved in this incident including edison, bobo, cecilia, etc. and they are not the only paper out there being harsh.

    to 9gel:

    of course it is obvious that she is only a puppet of her company. but it's not like someone points a gun at her to make her speak in the way they want. no doubt about it, her company made her to be a big liar, but still, she really is one. but in another point of view, i don't think any of her fans (including me) would like to hear her or her representatives admitting the photos are real. so i guess we can consider that as a "善思的大話".

  13. sorry for submitting 3 times. maybe I was holding the Enter key a bit too long.

    I think these actors and actresses are just commodities of the entertainment business. The image is just a packaging. The content is another thing. The company produces whatever pleases the public. Off the show, they can do whatever they like.

    and, to the fact that is the media really reporting this incident truthfully and conscientiously is really a question.

    I am not a fan of any of them. But, I think we don't need to judge or punish them.

  14. 金手指 拍白銀 變成金???

  15. "Retribution will always come to those who sets themselves up for it. No matter how late it comes."

    And Pakman, since when did you become a moralist yourself? I thought you are a libertarian? Things that happen in private are peoples own problem.

    This is the quintessential free market at work here. Gill did nothing illegal. She's making herself money by being fake. People buy that. She keeps doing it. Makes more money. To me it makes every bit of sense. The HK entertainment industry is nothing but money anyways.

    How is that different from a regular businessmen using every available and legal tactics to make money, ethics be damned?

    Well I guess you have a right to voice your displeasure as well. Still, give her a break.

  16. " .... she probably has no control over how she can respond. Think about it... she's sandwiched between the record companies and the populace like you. Given the circumstances that's probably the best she can do."

    當日納粹殺猶大人的幫凶是誰?當日文革紅衛兵幫了誰?若果那些「小鑼絲」不配合,或有獨立思想和反抗,他們會那樣做嗎?無論是甚麼原因,幫凶就是幫凶,要承擔道德責任;而 gillian 自做的 "偶像",自站的道德高地,沒有她首肯願意配合,難道公司和公眾用槍指著她逼她?

  17. 那天真和傻的人應該是我們if we believe Gillian said people secretly took photo on them and it was違法及最無道德.... unless she is still unaware of the last batch of photos showing her staring at the camera while she was performing all the oral act on Edison....(if she was not blind at that moment)

  18. just reported?


  19. http://www.mingpaonews.com/20080214/fad1.htm

    you guys should also see this.

    anyway, i think you guys have been a bit harsh with this young lady.
    also, i see there are some mixing up of a few different subjects, gillian as an 'artist', gillian as a 'product', and gillian as a person -- as vl sort of tried to differentiate.
    e.g. gillian as an 'artist' or 'person' never said it was a set of fake photos. her company said so (i.e. 'as a product') but you guys and AD made a factual mistake of claiming that she 'said' that, because she did not deny it.

  20. ... and that was more than 'just reporting'...

    (well, OTOH and IMHO you have every right to get your revenge, because jimmy lai was forced to close easyfinder. so i won't blame you guys for getting your vengeance. however, note that (1) easyfinder started the battle, and gillian the product was just fighting back on the same rule of game (2) IMO the reputation (and circulation) of Nextmedia will not be benefited by such acts, the public are sympathetic with the "weak" in general. ie, i think JL/AD have let your anger supersede your reasoning

  21. to sun bin:

    yes, you are right, technically she haven't made any false statement yet regarding this incident. if there is someone who did lied, it's her company. but i think it is fair enough for me to say that representative of EEG spoke on the behalf of Miss Gillian Chung in response to the photos when they were first leaked out, and they claimed the photos to be "manipulated". Miss Gillian Chung should know better than any of us including her company whether the pictures are fakes or not. But she allowed her company to deny the authenticity on her behalf.

    if you don't agree with that, that's okay. but what about her statement of not letting her boyfriend taking her sex photo 3 years ago? and what about she kept on saying Edison is just her friend/co-worker and not her boyfriend? of course you can argue that he is not her boyfriend, but just a sex partner.

    this is like george bush. correct me if i am wrong. he kept saying that his intel reported that there were WMDs in iraq. and then later on when they were proven wrong, he blamed on the intel. so sun bin, is he a liar? the guy didn't really lied, cuz those really were the info the intel gave him, just that he forced the intel to report the way they did.

    i am not trying to criticize her, nor to support apple. harshness is not something that can be measured, and it is very subjective. to me, i think they are a bit harsh, but acceptable. beside, many press out there are doing similar things too. i don't know what jimmy have in mind. but if i am jimmy and if i really wanna take my revenge, i would post all 100+ pictures of her (of course all censored) and see what she can do about it. it's not like they are only harsh on Gillian, but everyone involved. and they actually have the worst comment on Edison. if they are taking this incident personal, Edison should be their hero haha..... LOL

    like i said, i am not trying to criticize anyone, in fact, i have been a twins fans since their debut performance on TV.

  22. Just by watching the video on this blog, Gill said "somebody secretly took photo". I supposed this meanet the photo was taken by a hidden camera. But for anyone who has seen all the photo so far, he/she will know that she STARED (look at) the camera while Chan's holding the camera from the top while she looked up and licked, I supposed.

    One can always compartmentalize the roles of a person as a means to rationalize.

    I think it is common to make love this way. Just unfortunately she's pretending to be naive, and portrait herself as the idol for children (as she emphasized many times in the videos), when she took the photo herself (not to mention it is the by-product of her very complicated many angles) relationship), she has already sow the seed of today's fruit (as Pakman said).

    Probably no matter what an idol does, her follower will have a way to explain away for her. Fair enough. This is why so many people wanted to be an artist=star=actor=a kind of occupation that the worker always expect the glamorous self be the self treated by everybody (thus receiving all the favours), but people should not care about their true self as they will think it is not their job. Unfortunately, they benefit from the fact that people think their true self = movie self, and worship them as an idol, would it be a bit unfair to say to the public that my true self is none of your business, if so, then why people need to worship them. We are already naive to believe the true self= movie self and worship them, because we are human, human like to generalize. We are idiot if we believe in the movie self=true self and not interested in the true life eventhough it's contradictory. If so, you can call me idiot, since unshaken belief in face of many contradictory evidence is called delusion.

    Assuming I were a child, thinking that Gil was an angel. After knowing all her behaviour (not just the sex acts) now, including telling lies of not knowing Chan despite 6 years of relationships, changing partners and boyfriends so often, and now saying (telling lies) to the media the photo are secretly taken (despite putting all the seductive posts in front of the camera)..., if I still think other people are too harsh on my angel, then I am really hopelessly having a delusion.

  23. Let's do a mental experiment:
    Imagine Gil is Wong Ha Wai/or even the most ugly young lady, I wonder if people will say it is too harsh on her or will make the effort to compartmentalize her into 3 roles.....

    First, no one will be interested.
    Second, throw eggs on her.
    Third, no one asks whether it is real or not.

  24. 一些簡單顯淺的道理






















  25. 蘋果可以唔要大財團廣告都要登事實出來,

  26. 我針對壹傳媒,因它愛站道德高地,因它愛扮代表全香港市民! 因我還記得壹周刊和的Apple Daily的創刊宣言! 因黎智英宣稱自己是天主教徒。


    世界需要妓女,但又要賣淫又要貞節牌坊make me sick!

    "Lies will always catch up to you...", how High Sounding!

  27. make me sick! = 令我作嘔!
