Thursday, February 14, 2008

債保商必向畢菲特say no






債券有得賠,益嘅係債券持有人,債保商根本冇着數。所以債保商一定向畢菲特say no。噚日已經有債保商叫畢菲特fuck off。





例如,冇乜嘢比戰爭更無謂,古希臘有個儍佬,佢為咗條女Helen揮軍打Troy。因為話到明係木馬屠城記,啲木可以循環再用。環保分子一定支持!」Green weapons就ok?


  1. Your analysis is flawed. The reason that the bond insurers would do this is to preserve their credit rating. Yes, they might have to give up $9 bil of capital but at the same time, they will move a lot of risks off of their balance sheet. Take a look at the letter that Ajit Jain wrote to Lazard. In the letter, he says the credit markets are pricing bonds insured by the bond insurers at 2x the original underwriting cost. By this argument, they can off-load the risk at 150% of previous pricing as opposed to the 200% as priced by the market. If the bond insurers lose their rating, they can't underwrite new businesses which will be worse than paying a $9 bil premium today.

  2. hahahahah

    They will lose their ratings NO matter what they do.

    Imagine if, yes they raise they capital ratio by offloading the munis, but what is left?

    Also. The real reason the bond insurers are not going to take the deal is that the bigger they are in liabilities, the more likely they will be "too big to fail"

    They are not going to give up their leverage they get from being the insurers of munis.

    I mean they can still go around now and say, "yo, wanna save the muni market? save me!" weeeeeeee

    But your analysis is very very good. An exceptionally reasonable case for arguing the bond insurers should take the deal.

    We'll see how the insurers will act. They take deal, means you are right. They not take deal, I am right.

    If they take the deal because they are "advised" to do so... I still win hahahahaha

    But I do look forward to your future comments.

    Very thought provoking.

  3. 有錢佬都係無寶不落...你看看0008+0432...唉.....!!!P.S.點解冇POST你前天鬧有線打攪你高堂的文章??受壓力呀..我之前都係你個POST申訴過..你都冇撐我...!!

  4. hahahaha

    I have long wanted to go after Cable's Sales and customer service practices.

    Like last time when I went after Google adsense...

  5. 孫先生, 可否引用你的文章?:)

  6. Yo 秋。

    It is good.

    Go ahead. Which piece are you thinking?
