Sunday, March 02, 2008

If these graphs has any meaning to you...

I am not going to add any additional comments...

Here are two images. If you know what it means...
= )

Congrats! You are a true warrior in my "Silver Army Corps"

If you don't know what these images mean,
guess you have to wait for my column on Monday to find out hahahahaha I am Sooooooo excited.

Can you say "Jan 06 all over again"?


  1. hoho mr. Finger Gold , u are my idol, 財經分析員之中我祗信兩個, u當然系其一la , 我都好想加入 silver army corps呀, but我未play過金屬, i found that最近有2隻白銀warrent登場,唔知你認為用呢個方法買白銀o唔ok呢

    silver army corps第七梯隊上

  2. hahahahaha

    I have to take a look.

    Whats the number of thee warrants?

  3. here is the warrent number
    3770 and 7120

    silver army corps第七梯隊上

  4. to pakman and anonymous:

    係woo...3770 和7120 真係白銀有關的warrants.我都想知買0個兩隻warrants ok 否. pakman 兄. 我都是你的fans. 亦想加入白銀戰隊.

    早月前. 我看到你的blog,就立刻找遍香港好多地方買現銀. 但只買了好少.去kitco 問. 那些surcharge好貴. 平均要參不多usd2.00/oz. 太貴了.....

    anyway, 我都想聽下以上那兩只warrants好唔好.

    silver army corps 卒仔Wu上
