前晚,開電視轉去花旗國財經台CNBC。一睇,仲估轉錯台,幾個主持、記者、評論員,冇個講股,全部去晒講性醜聞。嘩!原來捲入性醜聞嘅主角,就係今時今日花旗國紐約州州長斯皮策 Eliot Spitzer。老哥佢原來走咗去幫襯啲幾千美元一次嘅性服務供應集團。
不過,對於好多人嚟講,「億元」係個天文數字。大家可能會問:「兩億等於幾多?」對於李澤楷嚟講,對上一次攞兩億出嚟,就係買《信報》嘅控制性股權。唔通計價值,Isabella =《信報》?
點解,一個斷送做總統嘅未來,一個就將個少女等同全港最有影響力嘅報紙?男人有四個可以幫佢做決定嘅器官。排第四,就係個腦。排第三,就係個胃。排第二,就係個心。After all,they are just men.

Haha! Damn it Pakman you are the best!
ReplyDeletehhahah thank you thank you
ReplyDeletethis emperor's club case is getting more and more interesting, it's a knockoff version of EDC's story.
ReplyDeleteclient #9 is the clone version of gillian, who pretended to be an idolistic figure having a high moral standard, and he is too the first to hold a press con that indirectly admitted it, but refused to quit/resign in the first place.
there are 10 clients so far but only one's identity being released (where in EDC's case there were only 6 chicks and 3 of them were disclosed to the public). now, the medias are speculating possible suspects such as jordan and obama, just like stephy and jolin in ECD's case.
so to borrow the experience from mr. chan, my prediction is, there will be more clients' identity being disclosed in the near future and there will be more than just 10 suspects haha.....