不過我老竇話廿幾年前,律師公會仲係鬼佬揸fit 時,公會開年會,廖瑤珠企起身,成為香港律師公會歷史以嚟,第一個用廣東話喺年會發言嘅人。講冇兩句,啲鬼佬唔畀佢用廣東話,廖瑤珠反問:「中國人地方,點解唔可以用中文?」我老竇諗起仲拍爛手掌,對廖瑤珠非常敬佩。
佢話:「我老喇,你要諗吓未來。董建華咁搞法……」佢就喺呢刻使出《迫男兒漢做嘢招式譜》上排第二嘅cheap招,佢話:「係咪驚要服兵役呢? Chicken?」

Oh, Pakman, I think you have a right choice. Recently, I have a few chances to met with some Singapore females. They share a common tone as they speak, a little bit like the disciplinary master in school. I can see in their mind, they are thinking, "the RULE says ...., YOU have to...., WE won't....".
ReplyDeleteLater, I asked a friend of mine who has deal with Singaporean. He said they are all this.. ha ha.
我想, 也不過是你"冇 gas", 要從頭開始吧. 其實, 大吧人也是如此, 因此 "世界仔" 先貴
ReplyDeletethis is a reminder to those foreign passport holder of hk government official...
ReplyDeleteI hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God. In acknowledgement whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.
如果你接受到溫哥華個種生活, 我睇唔到你有咩理由接受唔到大陸, say, 上海,北京生活,更唔好講香港生活添喇. 分別只在於大陸存在政治禁忌, 而溫哥華則唔輪到你去玩政治.事實溫哥華生活同天水圍生活分別不大.香港人去到溫哥華定居, 人都變得小家小氣, 一蚊幾毫都度住度住, 人際關係變得疏離, 你向鄰居表示親熱啲, 人哋當你想攞著數, 防賊咁防你, 關係只留於表面點頭之交. 唔係欣宜, 冠希之流都唔會死都要死返香港搵米啦.
ReplyDelete新加坡更加不提也罷. 以你個種移民類別, 去到唔搵工做的話, 移民局就定期叫你去炳, 問你點解唔做工, 佢哋話新加坡大把有錢人,唔係睇中你有錢叫你過黎嘆世界.
問你死未 !
I see this is a topic that has piqued a lot of interest. carry on carry on. I am reading and digesting this.
I swear ( or affirm ) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the Laws of Canada and fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen.
ReplyDelete拜讀 閣下在五月二十九日的文章「立法會的一群Racists」後,,發覺孫兄對營養標籤不甚了解,但隨便扣政黨 (包括本人的民主黨) 帽子及上網上線,本人實在有必要嚴正澄清。
本人以前已領教過孫兄亂扣帽子的行為,估不到至今仍沒有改善,未有做好功課便亂用金手指「篤」人,實在令人失望 !
...because you love Kong-Gals?
ReplyDelete不知你是不是會用 blog, 不過在說個不關係的 post 中出 post, 的確有點....要回就回到"五月二十九日的文章"的 post 中吧.
不過, 也請你要明白, 其實香港 market 不是太大的. 香港人請不要自大, 人家當你的 market 只是 small potato. 食物本來只是 d 少易貿易商入口, 本來就好像水貨一般, 好不易做的生意, 可以就是兩面受氣了. 貿易商不太可能叫 super market 自己貼, 但也不見得可能叫 supplier 貼吧, 結果又不是貿易商自己來. 問題是, 如此的小生意有可能有 profit 去 support 如此多的 operation 咩.
而且, 個 label 有買家會 care 咩? 如果是有問題的人, 他自己就會去 check, 如 call 下入口商問, 不是就不買就可以, 大把 product 可選. 說真, 我們冇問題的人, 看也不看那 label la, 因為, 就是看它, 也不見得明白那個成份對人有何影響 la.
t1174: "個 label 有買家會 care 咩? 如果是有問題的人, 他自己就會去 check, 如 call 下入口商問, 不是就不買就可以, 大把 product 可選. 說真, 我們冇問題的人, 看也不看那 label la, 因為, 就是看它, 也不見得明白那個成份對人有何影響 la". First, many educated people will care. Second, it is the ethical responsibility to show the breakdown of ingredients to consumers. He/She might search what those ingredients are only if it is provided. Third, our younger generation will have opportunity to investigate more on the constituents of a product which would breed the inquisitive mind and an innovative knowledge based society in a long run. Fourth, if everything remain in the "you care yourself" or "you find it out yourself" attitude, our level will be same as the earthquake region, there will be no difference living in HK or in the area with Calamity. If you yourself were operating an importing business, I sincerely feel sorry for you, but we can't forgo what is right.
ReplyDelete我就唔信真正李華明咁昂九話 pakman
ReplyDelete" 隨便扣政黨 (包括本人的民主黨) 帽子及上網上線 " " 未有做好功課便亂用金手指「篤」人 " , 雖然民主黨事實跟真正民主冇多大關係, 但表面上做好做醜都要扮有胸襟去容忍批評, 何況民主黨可以直接向肥佬黎詐型.所以這自稱李華明多數係真兄弟.
Hey 李華明,
ReplyDeleteIf you are the real deal. Lets have lunch and talk.
You know how to contact me. = )