Friday, May 23, 2008

A video that launches a thousand lawsuits

Ok. This footage created quite a stir over at 8 Chun Ying Street.

Anyhow, this is the only channel I can find this video.

Highly politically incorrect for me, I know.

Mr Li Ka Shing of Cheung Kong and Hutchison Whampoa...


  1. what's the stir about? what Li said not true?

  2. 嘩!如果李嘉誠報流料,o甘都0吾告,你地好衰仔!

  3. Action? Like winding down the paper? That would be a good news for HK.

  4. According to what I heard after replayed a few times, he said that a few men "surrounded" the KG that his grand daugther studied in. It seems to me that the KG and his grand daughter was actually "lockdown" and "contained", and later his house and family.

    I think HK don't need police as a few reporters already have such ability. They can surround thief if needed.
