Wednesday, December 05, 2007















  1. You always say you disagree with 'minimun wage',I really want to know what are your reasons behind.
    Because you believe in economic theory that market itself will determine equilibrium without any government policy?Simply due to demand=supply=equilibrium price and quantity??and then low-skill level workers will become unemployed?
    I want to know did u consider some other special factors in HK like low-skill level mainlanders keep moveing to HK(legally and illegally),the moral standard of people-business owners?
    I really want to hear ur reasons to against 'minimum wages'.

  2. 1. low skilled workers are encouraged to increase their skill levels then their wages will increase accordingly

    2. low skilled mainlanders should not be encouraged to move to HK because they can make a living despite their low skill levels

    3. moral standards should mean treating workers fairly, i.e. do not pay them below market rate and market rate is the market equilibrium rate

  3. I do not believe in any economic theory when I am against Min Wage.

    I am against it on an humanitarian level.

    A kid, with no skills, not much education. Begs a boss to give him a chance...

    The kid tells the boss "I am willing to work for you for free, just let me get into the industry... I know you have someone better qualified... But just give me a chance"

    Isn't this kid, the kind of person we celebrate in Hong Kong?


    jimjim, support policy that builds a better future for Hong Kong.

    PS shingo, well said.

  4. Shingo:
    1.Govrn't normally fail to give help for people to attend adequate re-training in short term.And then those people will be unemployed for long time(like more than 5 years,they feel hard to switch their talents),that is structural umemployment.And one more thing,without mainlanders,situation could be better,but now,too many of them are coming,it became worse,u can see most waitresses in 'tea house' speak cantonese with accent,they speed up the unemployment rate for local hk low skill workers.
    2.China controls everything,HK cannot filter the immigrants,so more and more low-skill workers will come into HK,then it distorts normal HK market operation.
    3.moral standard=pay the workers with market equilibrium rate?u sure?what if there is more and more mainlanders to come and then the equilibrium is only a piece of bread for being a cleaning worker?the society wont accept it.

    I just think at some points,govrn't have to do something,like even though financial market,you can't let the market flows by itself all the time(it should be most of the time though),at some points,the central bank has to inject money into the market.

    My opinions only.

  5. To pakman,
    I dont know why 'min. wage' is not good for HK's future.
    If you agree with 'free-market',then any subsidy for low-income group and aged people should be deleted?But then people still accept it and think it is good.It means based on theory only,everything is demand=supply,but in reality,we cant really let them to go to 'perfect'.We,and the whole world will simply not attain the ultimate efficiency.
    For some animals,if they were born as disabled,they would be killed by parents,cos that is inefficient;but for human,we will raise children who are disabled even though it is inefficient;it will be illegal to dump their disabled kid.So I just think a min. wage rule should be set to stop those inhumane owners....

  6. Minimun wage dumps the disabled seriously. they dun even have a chance to get a job.

    The disabled tells the boss "I am willing to work for you for free, just let me get into the industry... I know you have someone better qualified... But just give me a chance"


    Thats why minimum wage is an animal system.
    if they were born as disabled,they would be killed by minimum wage.

  7. to anonymous,
    'Thats why minimum wage is an animal system.if they were born as disabled,they would be killed by minimum wage.'----with these sentences,I think you still dont understand wat I m talkin about but just stick with ur 'free market' perfect theory.
    Just think about whether you/most people/whole world will accept disabled people work for free.
    Like what pakman said,he against it on an humanitarian level...
    but actually in this world,humanitarian level has to be combined with reality.
    I think you still dont understand.

  8. to jimjim

    'but just stick with ur 'free market' perfect theory.'----with these sentences,I think you still dont understand what I am talkin about.
    Just think about whether you/most people/whole world will not accept a system banning disabled people an opportunity to work.
    Like what you said, humanitarian level has to be combined with reality.
    I think you still dont understand.

  9. to anonymous,
    No one is banning disabled people to work.
    Anyway,it seems you hav problem of combing theory with reality..
    I think what u said so called min. wage will ban the disabled from working will be fully understood by anyone who studied some economics theory...but thing is not like this.
    I think you should just look at different countries and systems in this world,government intervention is everywhere and cant be avoided.I agree with 'free market' most of the time,but not all the time,otherwise this world wont be working.

  10. to jimjim,
    Minimum wage is banning disabled people a chance to work.
    Anyway,it seems you have problem of combing common sense with reality.. :( sad to know...

    The so called benefit of min. wage is for idealist only. For those who have some common sense will fully understand why min. wage does not work...

    I think you should just look at different countries and systems in this world,government intervention is harmful and the negative effect cant be avoided.I agree with 'govt intervention' some of the time,but not all this time,otherwise this world wont be working. low skilled workers cant even get a job. Cant live decently.

  11. Never neglect the "first step" effect.

    With min wage.

    A lot of people (students, new migrants and women who took time off for child birth) will fail to enter or reenter the labour force.

    Have some faith in the people in raising their living standard.

    Once these good people enter the labour force, with the accumulation of experience. And the sharpening of skills, these people's wages would rise.


  12. It is no point to discuss with anonymous anymore,he just knows how to 'copy and paste' my words without reasonings and keep his brain blocked.

    To pakman,
    I agree with having faith on people ability to raise their standard,but it needs government assistance(like providing free-training,and it is already intervention).
    And secondly,without other distortion,'free market' works,but with inflowing mainlanders(including illegally),low-skill level jobs' salary drops abnormally and financial sector keep pushing up price level,the free market wont be working at least in short term,the government will be smashed.
    Like less than $10 per hour to clean buses is not even enough to buy a burger,everyone is maximizer,so companies will push down to lowest possible level to maximise gains,but economics neglects the drawback from the maximised level(economics only sees the efficiency of the society but it doesnt see feeling of people and the condition of society and government).
    Anyway,this kind of topic causes universal dispute,and got no conclusion at all.
    Like government ban the big organisations from increasing fee,like bus company or is wrong too based on free-market to control oligopoly,but this is the way to work cos there is so called entry barrier for new comers to enter those industries....

  13. i see the followings as the root of the problem (i.e. low skilled workers get paid too little to meet the minimum living standards):

    1. influx of low skilled mainlanders
    2. inadequate training for people first coming into the workforce
    3. inadequate re-training resulted from a structural change in the economy

    however the following is a cause but not the root of the problem:
    4. corps which pay workers unfairly low

    if you agree with the above classification, then you will agree that the govt should rectify 1-3 first. and it is difficult to see how minimum wage will help in these.

    OTHERWISE if you believe measures to rectify 1-3 have been implemented to the BEST extent but still haven't solved the problem, I agree we should go to 4 (minimum wage).

  14. I am not knowledgeable in the area of economy, so my thoughts may have may faults, please excuse me when you find some. This is just some of my thoughts after I read this long interesting discussion:
    I guess that politically driven high supply of low skilled workers (or factor 1-3 raised by shingo) X minimal wage = +ve feedback loop make HK's business environment even worse & we will lose our competiveness relative to other major cities in China.
    To the low skilled workers = lessen the incentive to improve skills (if they are lucky to get the job) or if they don't get employed because a rational employer will not pay for the mismatch of the static skill level and extra wage.
    To the medium skilled workers, as marginal increase of wage for working harder is lowered (as they will witness some lucky people just sitting there as a guard can get quite a decent amount, so why need working harder)
    In a long run, probably because of the reason that no matter how unskilled the job nature is; in many circumstances, one still need to hire a person to fill the post = (a)inflation (b) eradicates certain industry as the operating cost is too high.
    For Hong Kong, it will attract more low skilled workers to come (by whatever means) as they have two options (1) minimal wage (2) if they can't find job, get the money from social welfare system.......... , add to the inflation, pollution etc. The cities that supply us the low skilled workers will be left with more skilled workers, whereas for us, the skill per unit wage given is getting lower in terms of the whole population.

  15. I am not knowledgeable in the area of economy, so my thoughts may have may faults, please excuse me when you find some. This is just some of my thoughts after I read this long interesting discussion:
    I guess that politically driven high supply of low skilled workers (or factor 1-3 raised by shingo) X minimal wage = +ve feedback loop make HK's business environment even worse & we will lose our competiveness relative to other major cities in China.
    To the low skilled workers = lessen the incentive to improve skills (if they are lucky to get the job) or if they don't get employed because a rational employer will not pay for the mismatch of the static skill level and extra wage.
    To the medium skilled workers, as marginal increase of wage for working harder is lowered (as they will witness some lucky people just sitting there as a guard can get quite a decent amount, so why need working harder)
    In a long run, probably because of the reason that no matter how unskill the job nature is, in many circumstance, one still need to hire a person to fill the post = (a)inflation (b) irridicate the certain industry as the operating cost is too high.
    For Hong Kong, it will attract more low skilled workers to come (by whatever means) as they have two options (1) minimal wage (2) if they can't find job, get the money from social welfare system.......... , add to the inflation, pollution etc. The cities that supply us the low skilled workers will left with more skilled workers, whereas, the skill per unit wage given is getting lower in terms of the whole population.

  16. Hi to all in this discussion,
    It was a healthy discussion,but yes,it is no conclusion at all,of course.
    Anyway,by definition,economics is NOT always true,so as the 'free market' theory,if it is always true,it will become 'tautology',every econ student would know this:)
    My conclusion is:there are few problems.
    1.Economics sees efficiency only.
    2.It sometimes neglects reality,thats why you will see econ theories use assumption like people are rational,selfish...etc.
    So like,Structural Unemployment,it is normal and is accepted by economists,but those people wont think about for like 5 years serious structural unemployment,the government leader will hav to step down.
    3.Economics didnt tell u that the world will never reach ultimate efficiency.We all know with Economics theory,communism obviously is the best system cos it leads to a 'perfect' world.But then in reality,we all know that Communism is shit,it screw people up.

    And HK cannot compete with China in term of labout cost anyway,living standards are too different.
    Thats why I think people who say HK can cooperate with china like logistics are stupid.And as you can see that HK's logistics is going down,and it is the last 10 yrs for HK's finance,before RMB go to world market.

    HK should set min wage,improve people living standard,train high-skill level labour,and adopt real democracy to survive.

  17. It is no point to discuss with jimjim anymore,he just doesnt know how to make his stuff logically and keep his brain blocked.

    See, here's demostration of a big logical gap:

    And HK cannot compete with China in term of labout cost anyway,living standards are too different.
    Thats why I think people who say HK can cooperate with china like logistics are stupid.And as you can see that HK's logistics is going down,and it is the last 10 yrs for HK's finance,before RMB go to world market.


    HK should set min wage,improve people living standard,train high-skill level labour,and adopt real democracy to survive.

  18. Anonymous,Just raise your points,see what 'logical gap??' I made,haha.
    No one sees any contradiction in those two paragraphs,except you.Explain it to others,as we all(except you) are doing discussion here(but not makin non-sense).
