Tuesday, September 30, 2008


劉 吳 惠 蘭 : 政 府 出 資 興 建 郵 輪 碼 頭

商 務 及 經 濟 發 展 局 長 劉 吳 惠 蘭 表 示 , 政 府 決 定 出 資 承 擔 興 建 啟 德 郵 輪 碼 頭 的 整 個 項 目 , 預 計 在 2013 年 啟 用 首 個 泊 位 , 碼 頭 完 成 後 會 出 租 營 運 。

劉 吳 惠 蘭 表 示 , 這 個 決 定 是 政 府 考 慮 到 成 本 上 升 、 加 上 近 期 的 金 融 海 嘯 等 因 素 , 重 新 招 標 須 考 慮 會 否 出 現 流 標 等 情 況 。



試想像澳門政府起賭場會係乜樣...你諗緊既就係未來既香港郵輪碼頭... So sad...

At the end of the day

"no chance of passing of this bill"

The vote failed.

What did I say earlier today?


The Republicans say blame should be on Democrats' Speaker of the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi...

"... This should be a bipartisan effort, so when the Speaker delivered a partisan speech, we lost votes..."

Here's her speech...

And this video captures the sentiment in America.

One final note. Warren Buffet bought those preferred shares of Goldman Sachs because he was expecting the passage of the bailout plan. Guess he guessed wrong.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Singapore: One Nation Under Lee

If you want to hit the PAP, you have to hit them from the right. On economic policies. And you have to out-PAP on economics.

Go to the people with a plan that would increase the return on CFP, Temasek etc (Privatization is always an option)

Go to the people with a plan that would make the economy grow faster than under the PAP (for example, how are you going to encourage creativity, when the secret ingredient of creativity is individual's innate sense of subversiveness, how does one 'create' something better in anything, if one is satisfied and not want to subvert the norm?)

Showing pictures of grannies picking up aluminum cans for recycling ain't gonna cut it. No rational resonance other than grannies are great for the environment.

Only when one present oneself as a better guardian of the Singaporean economy, does one become a real and present danger to the PAP.

Good luck my friends down south.

(Here's the facebook group "I WATCHED 'ONE NATION UNDER LEE' AND LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")

東亞擠提 警方應拉誰

孫柏文放假一個禮拜,世界真係好多事發生。最令人注目,當然係花旗國政府嘅 7000億美元買垃圾方案。由原本我走嘅時候,呢個救市方案被視為黑暗隧道中嘅曙光,點知到上個禮拜,市場發覺原來隧道係一條火車隧道,道曙光其實係殺到埋身嘅火車車頭燈。













Why I want to learn Portuguese

It is report like this that makes me want to learn Portuguese and be closer to the people of Brazil.

Wonder if Petrobras (PBR) or Companhia Vale do Rio Doce CVRD is hiring. ho ho ho

"They want to help the banks and not help the poor," (Brazilian Presidente) Lula said late on Saturday in Sao Paulo during a campaign rally ahead of Oct. 5 municipal elections.

"Why give $700 billion to the banks and no money to the poor guys who lost their houses," Lula asked, according to local media. He referred to the troubled U.S. housing market.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Holman Jenkins over at the Wall Street Journal had proposed several times about how to fix the financial crisis.

Basically the root of all problems is depreciating house prices.

So he proposes...

Meanwhile, use taxpayer dollars to clean up the housing mess in the Southwest and Florida -- the surprisingly confined source of all our troubles.

Every time we mention demolishing houses, somebody slaps us over the head with Bastiat -- the French economist who'd say you don't increase wealth, you reduce it, by destroying some houses to make the value of others go up.

True -- but we're in a situation today where responsible homeowners will pay one way or another for the acts of irresponsible lenders and buyers. The cheapest bailout would be one that weeds out enough surplus housing to stop the free fall in a handful of overbuilt markets, whose foreclosure epidemic is dragging down the entire securitized mortgage market. We're talking about buying thousands of houses, not millions of mortgages. And yet the resulting higher mortgage debt prices automatically would help to recapitalize the banks, while (knock wood) leaving some Paulson powder dry for future contingencies.

The fine print of the Paulson plan includes sweeping authority to buy "other assets." Going after houses and knocking them down would fit this commodious garment -- and would let the agency wrap up its work quickly and go away in the natural course of things, whether everyone was satisfied with the result or not.

That's a virtue not to be sneezed at. All the monumental interventions of recent months will have unintended consequences. Once the panic dissipates and the political class returns to form, we'll have a hell of a time unwinding the cure.

I have no idea whether this plan will ever be implemented. But I would say this, if Jenkins wants to sell this plan, he has to stop calling them "surplus housing".

In fact here in Hong Kong, we do have a mechanism that could be used to reduce housing stock. And that's called "Urban Renewal".

When I was a younger man and Hong Kong was in a total slump, I did think about a massive increase in urban land purchases in the name of urban renewal. The government could literally have a land bank that could then be auctioned off when times get better.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bank of East Asia bank run + The Hong Kong Police

The latest news right now is Bank of East Asia (0023.HK) is facing a good fashion bank run.

The bank run is triggered by good fashioned rumours of the bank's possible problems with the bank's assets.

The Hong Kong Police have said there currently no criminal element in the rumours. I say bullshit to that.

isn't it criminal that the bank depositors have no idea what the crap bea is holding?
isn't it criminal that HKMA still count AAA rated assets as 'safe'?
isn't it criminal that Moody's and S&P still have not have their doors kicked down by the self labled diligent Hong Kong Police?
what was Lehman's credit rating the week before it failed?

and in the midst of this, kind hearted citizenry of Hong Kong speculates on the integrity of bea and the Police dare implies that these citizens "not yet exhibits criminal elements"?

If financial secretary tsang really thinks those spreading the rumours should "bear criminal responsibilities", he better pray to his god that BEA's assets are as safe as what the credit agencies are saying.

The Police is way over its head in this. This is not some pictures of Edison chen! If the police is reading this, all I can say is stop, you don't know what you getting yourself into.

One final note. All those people lining up outside bea right now, they must be all 100K+ in their deposits. Or they just don't even trust the so called deposit insurance scheme.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Patriot's Act of Finance

As I sit here on the beach. I ponder about the largest financial power grab attempt by any executive branch of the US government - the US$1 trillion plan, that will give the US treasury power to decide on how to allocate the money without legislative nor judicial over sight, by disabling it with this law.

This might as well be written by the National People's congress.

I am going to call this "The Patriot's Act of Finance" from now on. The law that will jammed down with overwhelming support and much regrets.

This is truly the beginning of the complete re shuffle of the global finance industry.

Just look at crude oil and other hard assets. Even my much abused silver is making a comeback.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hitler got a margin call...

I am taking the week off.

New Blog posts could be non-existent till the 28th of September Sunday.

Friday, September 19, 2008







新聞:Bear Stearns在3月被救,8月雷曼就要執笠,不過兩日後又出手借850億畀AIG。政策上有出入。

Bear Stearns就係一個好鍾意煲蠟,家住高樓大廈嘅小朋友。今次玩出火,焚毀屋企,要派消防車救火,為免波及鄰居。







Thursday, September 18, 2008



講真,上個禮拜我都係買政府會出手搞掂雷曼兄弟。就算唔會收歸國有,都會出手保證或補貼雷曼兄弟啲爛資產,跟住就搵人接手。上次Bear Stearns都係咁,冇理由今次唔係。點知,真係唔係。問題就係點解上次救,今次唔救?究竟Bear Stearns同雷曼兄弟嘅分別喺邊?




第二,搞唔得大,就要爆先。如果雷曼爆先過Bear Stearns,可能結果已掉轉。

第三,一定要挾持重要對手做人質。Bear Stearns有9萬億美元衍生工具交易,淨係JP Morgan一個對手,已佔四成。所以當時啲人話JP Morgan救Bear Stearns,其實係救自己。

第四,一定要危害到大眾市民每日嘅經濟活動。按揭、私人貸款、信用卡財務very good。借錢畀甲級寫字樓發展商,冇咁有用。




Monetary injections from EVERYWHERE!!!

HKMA, BoJ, European central bank.

All injecting money now.


As for the Federal Reserve, they might have ran out of money. The US Treasury is raising money for it.

Treasury to Sell Bills to Bolster Fed Balance Sheet

Sept. 17 (Bloomberg) -- The Treasury is selling $100 billion in short-term debt to enable the Federal Reserve to expand its balance sheet, a sign of the strains created by the biggest extension of central-bank credit to financial companies since the Great Depression.

The program started today with a $40 billion auction of 35- day bills, a day after the government agreed to take over American International Group Inc., the Treasury said in a statement in Washington. Another $60 billion will be sold tomorrow, it said.

The proceeds will ``provide cash for use'' by the Fed as it seeks to boost liquidity in credit markets struggling from $515 billion in writedowns and losses since the start of last year. (more)


Now the question remains, will can Morgan Stanley survive?

Not according to the CEO of Morgan Stanley John Mack (as reported by NY Times)...

We need a merger partner or we’re not going to make it,” Mr. Mack told Mr. Pandit according to two people briefed on the talks. Mr. Pandit, a former senior investment banker at Morgan Stanley, said Citigroup was not interested.


Why gold and silver going up?

Because my guess is a lot of investment bank shorted gold and silver.

So if they go bankrupt, and their creditor have to unwind their positions, they have to buy it back.

Oh boy. I am so looking forward to the alleged greatest short in the silver market having to cover. Our friend Morgan Stanley.

Wanna bet on Morgan Stanley to be ok?

Wanna bet against Silver going to USD$120 per Oz?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Settlement issues at the HKEx?

Don't ask where I heard this from...

But there could be 'settlement issues' at the HKEx due to the global financial crisis.

You read it here first (if it's true)...

Lehman can't settle its trade at T+2. Because its assets are frozen.

So like all responsible exchanges, HKEx stepped in to pay cash for Lehman accounts that has bought. And Stepped in to buy stocks today, so that at 4:00pm, all those accounts that sold stocks needs stock to settle their trades.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

AIG @ close

At least it didn't close on its day low...

Pimco went from Hero to ZERO in no time.

When Lehman is not bailed out, seems like all the winnings made from the narrowing of interest rate difference between Fannie + Freddie and US treasury was all lost by today.

When PIMCO as one of the biggest debtors of Lehman lost a bundle hor hor hor

Its sick.


講過 AIG 先至係今個周末既戲肉...



即係聯儲局 said no...

AIG is one fuckedcompany.

Monday, September 15, 2008

銀行執 聽歌仔 開心D

胡渭康 - 黃金戰士 -《黃金戰士》主題曲

"金光閃閃多美麗... 金光閃閃叫人迷..." 胡渭康 - 小小朋友仔 -《黃金戰士》插曲


*side note* I think it is a sign of the changing times, when before in the early 1980s, a Dupont lighter 打火機 is described and pushed to kids as a child's 小小朋友仔...

I am going to discuss the current crisis tonight...

Live tonight at 8:00pm on Next Media's Apple Actionews.

Apple Pie show.

Please feel free to call in or web cam in and discuss.

蘋果網今晚 8:00pm 講 聯儲局 雷曼 AIG


Phone number is 2623 9077

聯儲局 雷曼 AIG

1. 聯儲局 - 更放寬換野條件...依家連股票都可以換靚野... 重有冇好野卑人換?

2. 雷曼 - 只係母公司宣佈破產,子公司繼續營業。


3. AIG - American International Group 其實先至係今個周末既戲肉。

佢地依家求乞聯儲局借錢,聯儲局跟本冇借錢卑保險公司既機制... 仲要400億,AIG其實有幾傷?係咪隨時執笠?!?

特區官員有冇打電話卑 AIG ,冇就快Q手D打啦!

AIG 係香港有今多客同員工,你地仲係到做 show 講通脹?!?


Screen cap from Saturday...

Germany is blind.

雷曼 美林 AIG

1. 雷曼 - 真係倒閉。資產將會被賣,去還債。債主D錢將會有排先囉番。世界 Liquidity 再跌?

Oh yeah... time for me to 認屎認屁.
What did I say back on 30th of July
When Lehman was trading at $18 a share? ho ho ho

2. 美林 - 美銀出 USD$29 一股去買美林(禮拜五收市 USD$17)。美銀機本上係最大笨蛋,上次買Countrywide Financial 以經中招。

Also, for Bank of America buying Merill, as it is share for share, the "value" calculation is based on the closing share price of Bank of America on Friday.

The only piece of "good news" this weekend is this acquisition.

But if Bank of America share price starts falling dramatically on Monday US open, even this good news will be bad news. ooohhhhh

3. AIG - 呢個最切身,你有冇同佢地做既 Plan?今個中秋,肯定好多人打電話卑自己個保險 broker。問聯儲局暫時借400億美元?... hahahahhaha

As for AIG, they are DESPERATE. I recommend ALL media colleagues to start pounding their staff for comments. On record or off record.

What kind of plans and insurance are safe, and what kind are not.

Wonder how the Federal Reserve will handle AIG's request for money.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

For energy geeks like me...

Here's is Stratfor's forecast on what could happen to the US refining industry when Hurricane Ike hits Houston.

3.5 million barrels a day refining capacity.

Bear in mind global capacity is about 80 - 90 mil a day.

We are talking about a lot of capacity taken off line.

Anyhow, Stratfor accurately predicted the chaos that hit New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, before the storm hit. They went as far as predicting the city would never be the same again, and they were spot on.


United States: Hurricane Ike Targets an Energy Industry Achilles' Heel

Stratfor Today » September 12, 2008 | 2351 GMT

Hurricane Ike is, at the time of this writing, less than seven hours away from landfall. The storm appears set to hit the Texas coast at the point and angle that would maximize damage to the energy industry located in the Houston area. Should this happen, Ike’s impact will reach far beyond Texas and is likely to be felt throughout the world.

At 6:30 p.m. Central Time, Hurricane Ike is bearing down on the city of Houston.

The odds of a hurricane’s storm surge striking the barrier islands that protect Galveston Bay and Houston at just the right spot and angle that would allow the surge to reach not just Texas City but also the northern bay and the channel are very low. Successfully predicting the specific approach of any hurricane is a crapshoot. But as a storm gets closer and closer to the shore, the margin of error in such predictions shrinks. And with Ike now less than seven hours away, it appears that it is aiming for the bull’s-eye.
galveston bay

The Houston area is home to roughly 6 million people, and already 250,000 have been evacuated in the face of what is expected to be the strongest storm surge on record. While Ike is “only” a Category 2 hurricane, it is monstrously wide, and the surge is already being felt from Galveston — an island-city suburb of Houston — where it is expected to make landfall sometime shortly after midnight to New Orleans, several hundred miles away.

Damage may well top $15 billion, hurricane-force winds are sure to wreak havoc over a substantial portion of Texas, and rain-related flooding will be remarkably widespread in Texas’ slow-draining soils.

Yet not to sound callous, but Stratfor is not particularly worried about most of the storm’s likely carnage. This is not going to be a repeat of Katrina’s strike on New Orleans in 2005. Unlike New Orleans, Houston is well above sea level, and rich in preparation, reserve funding and political clout. There are multiple routes of entrance and egress to facilitate recovery efforts, unlike New Orleans’ singular line of access. To put it bluntly, Texas can take it.

The impact that concerns us will be felt beyond Texas — possibly globally — and will be on the energy industry.

Thirteen oil refineries processing 3.5 million barrels per day of crude are within Ike’s easy reach. Three of these are just inside Galveston Bay — Houston’s “bathtub” ocean access — in Texas City. Several others are up at the north end of the bay at the opening or on something called the Houston Ship Channel, a snaking waterway that allows maritime access deep inland. The channel is home to more than 300 separate petrochemical complexes — one of the densest concentrations of such facilities in the world. Between barrier islands, the size of Galveston Bay, and the twists and turns in the channel, normally major damage to these facilities could be (almost) casually discarded. Such a scenario is now a definite possibility.

Further down the coast to the east, and well within the likely damage zone, the refining complexes at Port Arthur and Port Charles — areas much less protected by geography than Houston — face the very real likelihood of damage as well.

Should Galveston Bay and the channel be inundated in the worst-case scenario, at a minimum these petroleum facilities will be below their capacity for a week. Recovery from substantial water damage could take more than six weeks, and even that assumes that nothing goes disastrously wrong. In an economic environment that could certainly be described as weak, a sustained hit to energy availability is perhaps the thing the United States economy needs least.

For now, all we can do is wait. The facilities have all been closed down and many evacuated as a precaution. (And American wholesale gasoline prices have risen in acknowledgement.) The storm will hit just after midnight; damage assessments will begin within hours of Ike’s passage, but will take days to complete. Ike could well take a last-minute turn to the northeast and leave Houston largely untouched, as Hurricane Rita did three years ago, but at present it is also possible that it could also do something that no hurricane in American history has done: in a single swift punch truly hit the country where it hurts.


禮拜三講過,叫大家留意美匯指數升到 80 點時,要睇究竟能不能升穿。

之前 25 年,美匯指數 80 點係個非常利害支持位。理論上,一旦跌穿(07年跌穿),就會成為非常利害既阻力位

作日,美匯指數到 80 點。今日就跌 1 點,到 79 點。


Friday, September 12, 2008

又有大茶飯Case Study


其實,喺呢啲跌市大時代,往往都會出現指數唔夠公司嘅情況。今次已經算好,只係兩日唔夠數,記得千禧年時,dot com出現倒閉潮,納斯100指數,長期都維持「納斯九十幾指數」。


大家要記得,花旗國財長保爾森,話到明兩房唔倒閉,咁點解又會被人郁出指數?睇番標普公司嘅新聞稿,剔除嘅理由係因兩房嘅市值不足,達唔到要有50億美元市值嘅要求。宣佈剔除當日,房利美市值 10億美元,而房貸美就6億美元,非常合理,履行法治精神。








咁嘅情況下,保險又使乜賠?幾勁,有如沙漠賣雨傘!唔怪得啲private wealth management banker可以搵咁多。

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Breaking news... Listed company Chairman (919.HK) sues her Private banker Goldman Sachs (GS)

Well, there will be a press conference tommorrow.

Anyhow, a little heads up to the good folks who read this blog.

Explosive stuff...

The Chairman of Modern Beauty (919.HK) is suing Goldman Sachs.

Basically, Chairman Tsang 曾裕 lost a lot of money after making trades with an "Executive Director, Private Wealth Management" at Goldman.

A person by the name of Ronnie Wong Wang, 王弘.

Anyhow, how the losses were incurred remains the focus of this particular lawsuit.

And yes. A lot of accumulators involved.

Especially in view of the fact that this Chairman has received little or no education in English (which of course was not the lingua franca between her and the banker)

A lot of he says she says.

So far so typical. Nothing particularly explosive.

The explosive stuff is the alleged conversation between the 2 parties. The Chairman alleges that the banker said "She would make up the difference by selling her properties (notice the plural) to make up the loss of HK$18 mil."

There are also the issue of account statements which the Chairman said was presented in a way that was not accurate.

For me, of interest is when you open an account, it is required to fill in a survey of what you aim to do with the account and what your history of trading is. Here is a screen cap for the Chairman's account opening form.

I love it how on the form she signed to confirm her 3-5 years experience in writing uncovered options.

Did she fill this form in herself?

Interesting... What do you all think?

Finally, if losses were HK$18 mil, how many facials do you have to do to make up for the loss.

曾裕... Chairwoman, philanthropist, (former?) Goldman Sachs customer...

接掌兩房 冇拆過彈














白銀令人沮喪... 睇金能守USD$770...




上次黃金跌到 USD$770 就反彈。睇金能不能守USD$770...

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Rapiere is buying me a meal...

Made a bet with Rapiere... The ante was a meal.

He is highly knowledgeable of HK politics. Its his job.

Anyway, the bet was made last week. When opinion polls were coming out every day.

Now, I have a theory that opinion poll is never accurate stand alone, but is all about momentum. And I really felt that Wong Yuk Man 黃毓民 had momentum.

So the bet was, "Will Wong Yuk Man's vote count be above or below 18%..."

I bet on over.

Rapiere bet on under.

He lost. woot woot!

Black Swan?

The takeover of Fannie and Freddie has triggered the bankruptcy clause in many credit swaps.

I wonder what the knock on effect will be for the balance sheet and settlement dept of various financial institutions. Those people who made a bet on, "the Govt will never let Fannie and Freddie fail" will now have a one fun time.

Wonder how these instruments are structured. Indeed, how much of it is still out there...


US move triggers CDS default

By Aline van Duyn in New York
Published: September 8 2008 19:21 | Last updated: September 8 2008 19:21

One of the largest defaults in the history of the $62,000bn credit derivatives market has been triggered by the US government’s seizure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, raising questions about how dealers will unwind billions of dollars worth of contracts.

Although the $1,600bn of debt issued by the troubled mortgage groups is regarded as safe after the US government’s move to take control of the companies, their move into “conservatorship” counts as the equivalent of a bankruptcy in the credit derivatives market.

This triggers a default on credit default swaps – instruments that provide a form of insurance on fixed-income assets. Dealers in the market are now working to settle these contracts...

More here from the FT...


陳克勤 demands, "搓 my breast"

In his previous job, I do wonder how he worked day in day out at the office of the Chief Executive.

Must have been interesting. At least for the people around him.


I wrote this piece on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for the front of the business section of Apple Daily with Simon Lee 李兆富. Back when we wrote for the front two pages of the business section every Monday.

Notice the date of the piece. Guess we were early by like 2 years hahahahah And we didn't even know what to call Fannie/Freddie back then.

We have come a long way since then. All of us.

Monday, September 08, 2008


當年陶君行、梁錦祥 (myradio 台長)、長毛、王岸然等齊討論黃毓民。

Screen cap 舊年區議會選舉論壇。





其實,我係講緊我啲財經版同事。咁佢哋等啲乜?咪就係房利美Fannie Mae同房貸美Freddie Mac,究竟會唔會被收歸國有。如果真係收,股票會唔會變牆紙,揸佢哋啲債券使唔使輸錢?


雖然,正式消息就完全冇,得啲花旗國財經狗仔隊,見到財長保爾森、兩房嘅總裁、聯儲局主席伯南克同房屋信貸局局長,禮拜五一齊開會。不過就令人推斷,兩房國有化在即。好彩唔係特區狗仔隊跟,如果唔係一定估佢哋搞5P Greek party。






有冇大贏家?有。就係嗰啲買兩房同國債息差收窄嘅人,例如全球最大債券基金公司PIMCO。唔怪得佢哋嘅話事人Bill Gross,上個禮拜講到如果財長唔救就世界末日,擘爛面都要佢出手。





Sunday, September 07, 2008

The following is my endorsement...





Good luck all today.

Friday, September 05, 2008

自由黨 林翠蓮 違反廣播條例!!


自由黨 林翠蓮 違反廣播條例!!







點都好,競選期開始時,我抱住一個「咩人都可以攞我嗰票」嘅態度,等啲候選人嚟攞。之後,真係對啲政綱好熟。不過就算熟,仍未有定案,直至睇到一段8分鐘長嘅短片。段片就係Now TV九龍西選區嘅辯論。YouTube搜尋「毓民拔刀相助」。







今次我一票獨投黃毓民,希望唔係對佢贏今次選舉嘅最大詛咒。就畀次機會你,good luck毓民,4年後一定要再參選,因做得唔好,我要親自踢你落車。

Thursday, September 04, 2008



話到明百感交集,有憂慮就當然又有喜悅。為乜開心?就係因為搵到個連哈佛大學MBA課程都會用嘅case study,一個「如何玩政策屈機」去搵錢嘅例子。




就係:投資金額 x 保證回報率 = 利潤。

中電最終只係對利潤有興趣,求其投資金額 x 保證回報率得出嘅總數可以大啲,就一於好少理。


而喺「投資金額 x 保證回報率」當中,大家都應該留意到民粹議員永遠只係攻擊「保證回報率」。作為中電,你要打回報率其實冇所為,因為只要可以谷大「投資金額」,搵嘅錢分分鐘多咗。







中電差啲食到大茶飯,too bad。

Coke's takeover of Huiyan - Complications?

Consider this an extra for my loyal readers.

Coke announced a $12.2 a share takeover offer for Huiyan Juice. 190% premium over previous close. PE ratio of 46.6 on historical earnings. And the good folks over at Money Cafe blog wrote an excellent entry on this.

The more I think about the analysis by the good folks over at the money cafe blog, about the takeover attempt of Huiyan Juice 匯源 by Coca Cola, the more I am troubled.

The market share of Huiyan 匯源 42%, is already way into dominance territory.

Adding to it Coke's share, resulting in 52%. This is safely into Anti-competition commission's level of interest.

Of course, when I was back in school. I remember studying the anti trust case of Coke taking over of Dr Pepper (the third rank soft drink company in the US then behind Coke and Pepsi), and Coke in order to throw off anti trust issues, defined Coke's market as anything that one drink's but Milk and Beer.

Anyhow, with the new Anti Trust law in China, which the Lion Rock Institute has long believed will be used as a tool to protect national champion/dominant local player, Huiyan will be a good test to see how active this law is in China.

If silence, this will be a test case that everyone will cite for future acquisition in China, if China had a common law system. Alas.

But if this law is used to block this takeover... See ALL HELL break loose. After all, If it was so easy to buy such a firm, Danone wouldn't have to sue Wahaha hahaha


Tuesday, September 02, 2008






不過,氣田位於比較偏遠北部嘅蜆殼Royal Dutch Shell,就希望可以將天然氣液體化,跟住用船運輸。咁就可以擺脫地緣政治限制,鍾意賣氣畀邊個就賣畀邊個。



仲有,如果大家睇過講中東石油嘅《油激暗戰》 Syriana。記唔記得裏面個後生仔,變成自殺式炸彈人之後,炸啲乜?冇錯,運輸液化天然氣嘅船,因為天然氣嘅物理特性,基本上就係一個識浮嘅炸彈,所以個後生仔就揀咗呢啲船嚟炸。亦因為咁,船同終點接收站嘅地方,一定要投入大量資本,先至可以確保一定程度嘅安全性。


