Tuesday, June 10, 2008






不過,如果因為陳智遠得三年工作經驗,所以大家覺得佢唔應該做政治助理,我就會話唔公平。陳智遠28歲,孫柏文30 歲,如果三年一代,我同佢就同一代。作為同代人,我係完全明白點解佢嘅工作經驗咁少。我同佢嘅分別,就係我曾經長時間雙失,佢就冇雙失,起碼冇失學,攞多兩個碩士學位。







  1. "兩個碩士「流流哋」。話識大學教育嘅人,都會覺得攞嗰兩個碩士嘅人,唔慌勁得去邊。"

    我就有個朋友,羅左一個博士,一個學士。同時附送了兩個碩士。皆因渠讀博必須通過資格試,順便拿了個碩。之前學士來自英國的兩大,只要榮譽畢業都可用10鎊從BA upgrade到MA。

  2. i agree with sun bin.

    also, even though it was a hard time during tung's era, but it wasn't like there was totally no hiring at all.

    according to pakman's point, a couple of master degrees only means that he couldn't find a job so instead of staying home waiting, he decided to upgrade himself. if he really couldn't find a job back then, that tells me that there are HR people who thought he was not one of the best of the best. but now, with 2 master degree and 3 years of experience, he is considered as one of the best of the best out there to be qualified to make 130k, that is the big question mark!!!

  3. I don't think it should target at people, but pay attention to the system how the salary was set. With "un"proven and non-relevant experience. Shouldn't he start with the "starting" salary? It should be the same for all civil servant from my personal point of view. Apparantly, our government does not work according to rule.

  4. To quote OutofStock comment - "雖然這班都很可能是社會上的才俊, 而且亦可能為未來香港經濟及民生發展帶來正面的影響.但在法治, 民主及問責制上所帶的遺害卻是看得到的深遠….唉" (comment - create a Tsang's political group with huge sum of money + override the "selection mechanism" built in the social and academic ladder = hence the Hong Kong competitive edge will lose immediately)

    and add人事顧問李彥樺's comment "大企業絕不會考慮聘用無相關職位經驗及學歷的人士,「讀又唔係讀嗰科,又無相關經驗,呢啲履歷一早飛咗,係博士都無用」"

    and 人事顧問蘇偉忠 "睇經驗呢班全部係外行,無相關經驗,同行轉工加薪唔出奇,但轉行可以大幅加薪就好奇怪".

    Many people will argue, Chan have all sort of soft experience, how good he teaches in his tutorial classes etc... I would say there's a selective mechanism built in our social system. Those who studied HKAL will know that HKCEE good results is not as reliable a guide to the person's ability as a good HKAL results. Or in your case, a good economic degree holder would be weigh more than a librarian degree holder, in terms of the university entrance requirement. I am a doctor broadly in the interdisciplinary field combinind Science, Medicine, and Social Science. Generally speakly, any relatively hardworking student in the social science discipline (just a mediocre in secondary school years), because of attention to details and good efforts, can get decent grades in university level and if he likes it is not hard for him to be admitted into a Master degree. Talking about doing research, there are many kinds, some are ground-breaking and insightful, but many are just suggested by the supervisor and then all he need to do is to carry through the mundane data collection and analysis, and will get a Master degree! So easy. That Mr Chan received good feedback from tutorial class students can have a lot of reasons. Some low standard tutors can have good feedfack too, as everyone got high grade. It is just a tutorial work of some soft topics - spend some time to read a few journals and think through, then most people (at university level) can do a decent job, what is the big deal? A research assistance again is a job that if you have a good relationship with the lecturer concerned you will get it, what is the difficulty? If he like politics, he would have been attempted tha EO and AO selections. Now, I can't see any aptitude judging from his 'development" nor can I see any worthwhile experience. Supposedly, if he is somehow able to step-by-step climb up the social ladder in the civil servant or business section to a level commeasurate with his 130k salary then I would say the selection system here is healthy, otherwise, I prefer to support the hypothesis that "we, as HK citizens, are in the process of creating a Tsang's political group with huge sum of money + override the "selection mechanism" built in the social and academic ladder = hence the Hong Kong competitive edge will lose immediately".

    So I think this issue is of paramount importance that every HK citizen should stand up against.

  5. 陳智遠取十三萬一個月,這是他要求的嗎?







  6. That is why the whole system is a faulty one with an aim to build the Tsang's power circle - selection of Mr Chan as well as the Others (who all have different problems). This selection system means by a good relationship or get hold of certain special connection/network, one can by-pass all built-in social, educational or even civil servant selection system. This will reward an unfair culture in HK and set an vivid example that connection can buy everything. I have no intention to say a good social network is not an asset but leaders in our society should be the cream of the talents.

    Another argument is that they are not "technical" and hence coming from irrelevant fields is not an issue. Is the logic underneath reducible to "since we are not technical, anyone can do it?" Anyway, I just feel compel to my opinion when I see the HK system is breaking down and have no intention to argue with anyone. My apology to anyone offended. Those examples quoted were to illustrated the concepts and the points I would like to make, e.g. I didn't mean to disrespect a librarian and think that an economist is anymore superior.

  7. Being polite is good, but it does not mean this can discount everything. All interviewers have their politeness - saying "give me a chance" sincerely. It feels good as a listener, but it doesn't mean we should make an important decision based on a few humble words. Also, for a hobby writer of horse racing, I would say a little bit at odd with his current post. All taken together, I wouldn't look at what they say superficially, it is the system that is faulty - not finding the right talent to lead the future of HK - living in a village can be extrapolate to understand HK people, I look at his abilities, his track record, and his thoughts and beliefs (rather than bringing out some personal history and make a big inference from it). A great leader wouldn't do it. Only opportunist who attempt to sneak through the current crisis will use this strategy.

  8. All interviewees have their politeness - saying "give me a chance" sincerely.

  9. 跟隨鄧老訓示:「...讓一小撮人先富起來... 」,誰曰不宜?哪個豈敢多說話?

  10. 陳智遠說:「我在屋邨長大,知道一分一毫的意義…希望大家給我一個機會。」







  11. 陳智遠說:「我在屋邨長大,知道一分一毫的意義…希望大家給我一個機會。」


  12. 兩個問題, 第一, 以陳智遠既薪酬, 是否找不到更有經驗, 更能勝任的人? 香港法律界或政界是否缺乏到這地步? 政府需提出有關招募過程的証據. 對陳智遠的批評並非因為他年青, 而是他缺乏經驗, 這很明顯反映市民對經驗的重視, 那些高官不單不了解市民訴求, 還替曾蔭權牽強地"解為" , 那些官是怎麼當的 ?

    第二, 問一下陳智遠本人, 如果他希望香港市民給他一個機會, 以香港700 多萬人的利益換取一個機會, 對香港市民是否公平? 他並沒有諾會有能力擔當這使命, 而是希望給他一個機會, 連對自己都沒信心, 這個機會, 誰會給你??

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. 乜做官唔係貢獻社會,有理想既咩,原來理想係用錢黎換?即係出十三萬我就做,如果得三萬就唔做?

    無經驗叫大家俾個機會佢,係咪即係做學徒?但係做個學徒又可以人工三級跳,呢 d 學徒我地市民出埋錢教佢野,佢都幾鬼抵

    一分一毫的意義,就係納稅人俾一大筆錢,去俾一班唔知有無能力既人,上 training 實習,仲要未上任己經攪單國藉問題出黎,仲要不甘心不情願咁放棄外國護照,well , 如果你係後生仔做投資銀行,拎得十三萬人工,你做唔到野一樣俾人踢走,但係做呢 d 政治助理,好話唔好聽,做得好同唔好,糧都係繼續出,如果係無機制去評估之前,就跟返佢經驗黎俾人工啦,三年經驗出人地十幾年經驗既人工,點都唔係好講得通
