Saturday, March 24, 2007




(1) 選行政長官──梁家傑vs曾蔭權

(2) 支持或反對不遲於2012年由普及而平等選舉產生行政長官

(3) 支持或反對立法制訂最低工資



最 低工資會令最低經驗工人難入職、難轉行、難重投勞動人口,所以最大受害者就係年輕人、新移民、同選擇生育嘅婦女。喺「保護工人」嘅法國,佢哋啲公屋居民, 特別係啲冇經驗嘅年輕人,面對高達50%嘅失業率,已經去到「nothing to lose」,對自己冇希望,到30歲都未有融入過社會就已完全脫離,所以對參與暴動都毫無保留。大家真係想喺香港見到同樣嘅絕望咩?

香港 地,人人都會三衰六旺,今日如日方中嘅工業,他朝可能不再存在,到時如果你要再搵工,你懇求老闆畀你一次機會,雖然佢對你完全冇信心,不過你同佢哭訴: 「老闆,畀次機會!畀次機會!我開頭唔要人工都可以,試用吓我!得嘅,先至畀人工。」佢可能會畀機會你,不過他朝有最低工資,佢畀機會你就會犯法。



今日點解孫柏文要 大家去投票反對最低工資,係因為想大家向民主派大大聲講:「支持民主、反對最低工資!」多年來,民主派當中嘅社會主義派,已經「老奉」覺得只要你係一個支 持民主嘅香港人,就一定支持最低工資。最低工資如果真正可以幫到低經驗工人,我會絕對支持,不過只會過害佢哋,大家一定要禮拜日投票保護佢哋。



其實,孫柏文真係好想投「白票」,不過真真正正睇完兩個候選人嘅政綱,同埋衡量兩個候選人嘅性格,孫柏文今日呼籲各位投票支持曾蔭權with the heaviest of hearts, I endorse Sir Donald(以上全句非常難寫出來,可能係成世人最難寫出來嘅一句)。

社會主義fxck off




當 日,你只要去到票站(票站地址可以喺www.civilreferendum.org搵到)出示身份證,主辦單位就會喺你隻左手蓋上24小時內不褪色記印,跟住就會畀三張選票你去填。就算你唔想投票支持梁家傑或曾蔭權,又或者對政制冇意見,你都要去反對最低工資,向民主派當中嘅社會主義派,向佢哋害下一 代嘅政策say 「fxck off」。希望大家到禮拜日晚,個個左手都有隻記印啦!



  1. Many countries have minimum wage. Only France has the "youth unployment" problem.
    Reason is it is extremely difficult to get rid of employees once they become your staff. Therefore, most small medium companies are reluctant to get new employees even when they are needed to do so. It is almost like life time employment in France
    (by law).
    My previous company (a USA company) has a fty in Lyon many years ago. they were unable to lay off surplus workers when business was down. So they closed the fty in order to get out
    There is nothing to do withminimum wage
    Dont use false reason to support your biased viewpoints
    "invincible hand" wont work in a govt/businessmen lined up society
    By the way i am a capitalist not a proliterate

  2. I would definitely go together with my whole family, including my 18-year-old daughter.

    I've explained the life-time employment in France to her (as part of her liberal studies knowledge as well as family education) and even she can understand the drawback of such a silly idea. It has become a political tool rather than a measure to improve Hongkongese' wellbeing. So so so disappointing.

    p.s. I bought silver when it fell below the 250-day moving average. Tks for the advice, silver finger.

  3. Conrad

    I dont get your point ... when business went down the company may/can stay alive by cutting wages ... i really dont get your point "There is nothing to do with minimum wage" ???

  4. To Conrad,

    In places with Min Wage and "low unemployment" for the young, all I can say is that it will be even lower in unemployment.

    Lets give every person a fighting chance to enter the labour force.

    To ultimate c9

    I am glad you got in then... I have cash on hand waiting for it to drop back to its 200 DMA... It failed to do so the last time round.

    And I am glad that you took your family. In fact, real proud! = )

    I also took my friend to go there today too. She voted no on Min wage and voted a blank ballot for chief exec hahahahahah.

    To tintinbright,

    I like that anger, you want to moon light a goldfinger piece for me? hehe


  5. i don't even understand why minimum wage is one of the subjects in the election, it's like asking whether you want to make it illegal to work more than 5 days a week, and guess what, with the same logic, many people would say yes.. anyway, i just hope hong kong people are smart enough to see the bigger picture and make the right choice..

  6. PacMan

    I cant smell 'anger' in my comments ah, i just want to see argument presented in a logical way.

    I believe there is no doubt that economists dont advocate minimum wages BUT remember we are living in a complex society and ECONOMICS is not one-subject-save-the-world medicine. Unfortunately the 'invisible hand' seems unfair to the underprivileged that their living condition is those most easily affected , on the other hand the 'invisible hand' - just like the Mother Nature - is indiscriminative that they struck those 'less competitive'. Competiition never cease since day one human beings set foot on earth. It's sad but we cannot escape from the truth and reality.

    By introducing minimum wages the following possibilities may result:

    For jobs that can be outsourced we are losing our competitive edge so we are losing our job opportunities. For jobs that cannot be outsourced, it add costs to the owners. To interact there is a few options:

    1. hire less people
    2. add costs to the final product
    3. quit from the business for no profit

    Option 1 and 3 WILL hurt the underprivileged eventually. However in Hong Kong i believe Option 2 will be the most likely outcome. It come to an interesting point then ... the effect is similar to General Sales Tax when part of the weatlh is redistributed from the people who pay for goods and services to one fo the sector of the society. In fact this is better than GST that less administrative costs involved. If the shortcomings of Option 1 & 3 do not exists I may opt for minimum wages.

    Talking about moon light ... haha ... i first come across this term 'Moonlighting' in the TV series features Bruce Willis (like him long before Die Hard) & Cybil Shepard ... never heard this series ? no wonder you're in the 30s ... How can i write better than you and Ko Ming Fai ah? but i may provide you with subject or points if required

  7. If the end result of minimum wage is high cost and/or high unemployment, the following practices or labor laws have the same effect
    6 days working
    Labor holiday
    Labor insurance
    Women & child worker protection
    Equal pay for male & female workers
    Etc, etc

    Do we have to abolish all the labor laws in order to lower the cost of operation? May be we shud go back to 19th century with slave labors

  8. Boys Boys...


    love the smell of gun powder in the morning hahahha

    Anyhow, here's the deal.

    There will be workers who benefit at the moment the law passes. The companies will absorb the cost for those present workers.

    Who I am fighting for are those who WILL be joining the labour force or wants to change fields.

    ie... The biggest victims will be...

    1. Young people
    2. New immigrants
    3. Women who left the labour force to give birth and raise children who now because their children has grown up, wants to work again.

    I concede that some workers will benefit with higher pay now, but these workers are now incentivized to continue in poor paying jobs. You want them to grow and prosper or you want them to stagnate and "merely survive"?

    But the price we pay is the workers of the future.

    They won't get to join, because they were never able to raise their competitiveness for that very first job.

    Also, I am highly uncomfortable that the government involves itself into any employment fields.

    If you want to talk about safety, then do you agree we should ban jobs that are simply too dangerous
    ? even tho the workers nows and are receiving an higher wage because of it?

    Then the first two job types you have to ban are jockeys and vets. These two have exceptional high rates of occupational injuries.

    No blanket bans my friend, that will only harm the very workers you want to help.

    This issue is big, its emotional, and I am sure it is not the last time we will talk about it.

    But I will tell you this... I look forward to the chance of convincing you who support min wage, and look forward to you convincing me not to go against it.

    let the debates flourish!
