今 日,我要呢位勇士,為特區解答一個非常重要嘅問題,就係乜嘢叫做「法定貨幣」(legal tender)。喺我讀經濟學嘅時候,我記得曾經問過老師:「如果我爭人錢,用法定貨幣去還,不過佢唔肯收,咁點?」老師答:「所有債務即時取消(all debts cancelled)。」所以今日希望可以搵人嚟試試。
到 時候,如果侍應生拒絕收你嗰張鈔票,你就要大大聲問佢一句:「係唔係真係唔收?」如果佢話係,咁即係拒絕legal tender去結算同支付應還債務,到時你就應將鈔票放回自己個袋,跟住起身向出口進發。相信侍應生亦會「吹雞」,搵人攔截你,而你一定要平心靜氣向佢哋 講:「有乜嘢問題就報警啦!」不過大家要緊記,到呢一刻,千祈、一定要平心靜氣,稍有差池就被人圍毆。
Interesting. I am also quite curious when i learnt that some shops reject the payment of $1000 or $500 notes. According to contract law, if the restaurant offered my the meal i've order. After i finished i intended to pay with a $1000 note but got refused because the value is too big for the restaurant. does this rejection of my payment with HKD1000 render the contract (The contract between I and the restaurant upon the offer of meal in exchange of the bill i paid) voided?
ReplyDeleteThat was why I picked a restaurant as vs just a normal shop.
because the food has been consumed, payment is due.
The contract was not voided, but the debt was.
Your end of the contract was fulfilled, it was just that they refused your payment.
At least thats the theory, but it would make for a very interesting test case.