Sunday, July 22, 2007

BEA is in play?



東亞主席李國寶,呢幾日嚟遇到嘅風風雨雨,孫柏文深 表同情。唔知係咪呢幾年,東亞發展國內業務多,噚日仲要好似啲大陸銀行管理層咁,做頭條新聞。咁嘅情況下,東亞股價上個禮拜仲升,我諗係好似啲人吹風話, 一路以來東亞銀行(023)因為股權極散,可以被收購。今次李主席單嘢,唔通真係令人問:「BEA is in play?」

PS. Our head of business page likens BEA to a country club founded and manned by the great and good of old money in Hong Kong. So hardly th minority shareholders will sell out. I guess there goes my theory of them being in play...

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