Wednesday, July 04, 2007



上個禮拜,我用兩篇文章話過,我非常認同特首曾蔭權,走出嚟 話要將特區打造成千萬人城市。問題只係畀啲乜嘢人嚟香港。我又曾經話過,我最想見到嚟港嘅移民,就係年輕版,「三冇」嘅李嘉誠同黎智英。佢哋當時窮到燶, 讀書少,嚟港嘅一刻,連未來想做邊行,會走邊條路都唔知,所以就係「三冇」,冇錢、冇學位、冇方向。

不過佢哋就有一樣好重要嘅嘢,就係「飢餓」 hunger,佢哋就係「好飢餓」hungry嘅人,對機會「好飢餓」,對知識「好飢餓」,對向上爬「好飢餓」。所以就算冇錢、冇學位、冇方向,就係過百 萬個呢啲咁嘅移民,喺獅子山下將香港打造成一個神話。政府可以成功甄選呢啲「三冇」移民嘅政策,就係憑當年嘅「抵壘政策」。

「抵壘政策」好簡單,就係只要 你能夠憑聰明才智或者超卓體能,能夠繞過政府嘅障礙,成功到達市區,就可以攞身份證,融入社會。即「抵壘政策」係一個港英政府提供畀想嚟港工作、生活嘅 人,24小時隨時可以考嘅「移民試」。

咁今時今日兩個最大主流移民方案,就係「投資移民」同「技術移民」。如果要用幾百萬先至可以嚟港,窮到燶嘅年輕版嘅 李嘉誠同黎智英嚟唔嚟到?所以支持「投資移民」嘅人,正硬膠。


講「技術移民」。雖然,就連我非常仰慕嘅左丁山叔 叔,都話人口「貴精不貴多」,如果只吸引「低教育,低技能」嘅人,只會益咗陳婉嫻、李卓人攞多啲選票,令政府福利支出大增。不過如果左丁山叔叔有留意,上 個禮拜就有班「好高教育,好高技能」嘅醫生、社工,出嚟要求政府增大支出畀佢哋。所以高技能都可以冇用。不過如果換轉係年輕版「好飢餓」嘅李嘉誠同黎智 英,薪金太低?一早已經學新技能轉工啦!


最 近聽聞我哋特區有個「專才」入口計劃。嚟港嘅要求,就係到埗前要有份工喺手。你話年輕版嘅李嘉誠同黎智英,有冇工喺手先嚟?毋須靠我哋血汗錢開飯,可能投 靠朋友、親戚嘅外來後生仔女嚟港,就不如畀個機會,畀啲時間佢哋摸清楚特區環境,跟住就唔好阻住佢哋開工。唔係好似「專才」計劃咁,人生路不熟,已經要有 份工喺手,分分鐘資源錯配,浪費大家時間。




  1. well......reaching the city does not mean one is 'hungry'.

    IMHO the best way is the GE 6 sigma. send the bottom 10% back using some quantifiable measure -- but this measure is hard to define.

  2. 6 sigma...


    Who grades? And on what criteria?


  3. Some thoughts on the US5000 scheme:

    1) Quota: Keeping the gate wide open would have serious impact on society in a short-medium term. The new immigrants would more likely to take most of the low-pay jobs, and increase the unemployment rate of the current working class residents. These newly unemployed would have no choice but to seek help from our social welfare system. I do realise that in the end, these new immigrants will start creating job opportunities for others, but in short term we would see social unrest and anti-immigrants everywhere.

    2) ID card: The ID cards issued to these new immigrants should be marked with a special mark. Currently, HKID issued to domestic helpers starts with the letter 'W'. So let's put 'N3' in front their ID card number, indicating 'No money, No qualification and No direction'. People with a N3 HKID may NOT apply for benefit, may NOT use public hospitals and may not apply for public housing. However they still need to fill in tax return, i.e. obligations with no rights. Some may think that a special mark on the ID card is discriminating, but I think it is actually a wonderful thing. A certain level of discrimination helps igniting people's dream to be treated with respects one day.

    3) Give entrepreneurs unlimited quota: The current immigration policy on entrepreneurs immigrants is designed with too many barriers and a ridicules approval system. We should keep the gate wide open, for people who wish to start a legal business in Hong Kong. These are people who rent office space, create jobs and, with enough luck, give Hong Kong its own YouTube or KFC.

    4) Legalise prostitution: Let's face it, a fairly large percentage of the N3 quota will be used by sex workers. Instead of playing catch me if you can, why not legalise it? They may only practise within a certain zone, and they must keep a record of business transactions for tax purpose.

    5) One entry/exit only per year: N3 work permit allows the bearer one entry/exit per annual. If you leave Hong Kong for the 2nd time within a year, the work permit is rendered invalid and you must apply again. Setting the limit has two benefits: 1st, you either stay or leave for good. I am sure Li Ka Shing didn't go back home town once every two month. 2nd, it prevents people from using the N3 work permit to engage in smuggling activities (i.e. 水客).

    Just my two cents...

  4. I agreed with you.

    "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish".

    If we open the door to take in more immigrants, it's going to be a big challenge to many locals. However, it's the truth in the global economy. Only when we stay competitive and strong, we all survive.

    Shenzhen and Shanghai are two good examples. They also take many new immigrants from all regions of the country but the smartest will stay. No matter whether you are from a small village in Szechuan or Hunan, if you are smart, you will prevail.

  5. PacMan

    Come on ... wake up, still possess the "Hong Kong chauvinism" point of view in looking things. (Similar mistakes by government officials)

    If people is hungry enough and smart enough, they can stay in the Mainland and I can say their chance of being the next +x (Ka Shing)is better than Hong Kong.

    The only precious thing left in Hong Kong is 言論自由 and yet this is diminishing in Hong Kong. To this end I must pay my tribute to Jimmy Lai, the only tycoon I respect. I still keep the first issue of Apple Daily!

    Take a look at this issue of Next magazine by 楊懷康 啦!

    Dont talk about globalization while your mind is still restricted to localization.

  6. 今晚8:30pm喺有線財經08台,公之於世!


  7. yeah, i said the measure is hard to define.

    but using degree or money is just as arbitrary as swimming skill. and people can cheat, you know, those snake-heads human smugglers -- so it boils down to $ still.

  8. Don't use the USD as your guaranted fund, use RMB, both increase RMB-deposit and capture the appreciation! I think Joseph Yam will support your idea!

    Our HK new generation really don't know what's mean by "greed". With your suggestion, We think the HK youth will soon face a big challenge! But that is a very good thing, because they really don't know what they want.

    One problem may rise, some of our HK parent will bring their mainland born children to HK. But in fact, they are people, so who care?

  9. Good.

    I am glad that I have made a lot of good people think. hehe

    I am going to set up a seperate blog entry to deal with the proposals here.

