I am sure you are a silver bug partly because you know we will be hit by a tsunami of money coming from America.
Which of course is caused by some sort of crisis and panic.
My call on HSBC is not simply a call on its N American mortgage business. It is on its entire operations, esp Europe.
Also, my thanks for 王冠一 is sincere.
Dear 馬沙,
Check out the Cramer video. He must be hearing something over at all the various bond desks.
Dear Blog Search,
The result announcement was all about guidance. The key boost for HSBC is that management seems to have given the impression that the problems are contained.
That was why I said results are fine, but the future is not. Even in my original piece saying the results will be fine.
2. The more I play up the attacks on me today, when the day I am proven correct arrives. My "told you so" would be that much louder. hahahahaha...
We live in the digital formaldehyde age, no point pretending the attacks on my call, indeed attacks on me doesn't exist, when all of it can be found one click away from google. Might as well roll with the punches.
3. If you are dollar averaging into HSBC. And you are truly confident on HSBC's LONG TERM FUTURE. You should welcome the fall that will come in the next 12 months = ) You can buy more of it this year for the same amount of money.
I think of the same way towards my silver holdings.
ReplyDelete柏文, 自從睇咗你篇一注獨贏買白銀之後一路都有留意你, 皆因我自03年後都係金銀大好友, 但近排愈睇你寫嘢講嘢愈來愈唔對路, 人紅咗骨頭輕咗? 好多時候你啲稿都冇比心機寫, 分析更膚淺得離譜, hsbc 會因為suprime 出事見到112? 你有冇估計過hsbc 係呢個sector 佔比重多少?而美國(不是北美, 唔好拉埋加拿大嚟講)業務又佔hsbc 的整體多少%? back to fundamental, 美國經濟真係有問題? 咁ipod 賣成點? ford 又點解會賺錢?
唔比心機分析唔緊要, 起碼你個欄都重識make noise, 但連地獄燈霸你都會多謝, 我真係有d 睇你唔起囉. 錯唔緊要, 懶都唔怕, 但 on 9 就真係死得啦. 願好自為之
美國第十大按揭貸款商American Home Mortgage宣告破產,成為今年第2家倒閉的房貸公司,印證次按危機已蔓延至信貸質素較佳的按揭巿場。行政總裁Michael Strauss表示今天是營運最後一天。該公司 本 周初稱未能籌得足夠資金營運,無法批出的按揭貸款價值最少7.5億美元。
ReplyDelete算喇, 你起碼敢叫人沽, 好過其他講股佬淨係跟外圍.
ReplyDelete不過叫人沽5仔就啜核d, 下次睇淡d大野就叫人唔好渣算喇. 唔係帶碌狼牙棒上電視都唔掂.
Anyway, I support you!!
p.s.睇左你星期三既Money Cafe...講得好有道理的...不過我都希望你係錯的...因為一爆...真係死得人多...
HSBC > 美洲業務 >其中一部分的業務(次按)
只可以講這些所謂分析員,連year book最基本的資產及盈利分佈情況(分析最基本的)都冇看到,得出:
ReplyDeleteGo buy some calls.
I have bought puts.
200 hahahahahah
It is no longer a US subprime lending story.
It is not even a mortgage problem story.
Once again, go buy some calls.
妖!半夜見美股跌百9幾就跳出嚟hahaha 話自己買咗put.....定喺你話之前put落到hsbc出咗業績都冇止蝕平倉? 若果真係, 我諗你真係唔係一個適合在投資市場搵食ge 人.....
ReplyDeletecre 咩 dit 咩 crunch?
其實你哋d所謂分析員究竟分析啲咩? 呢幾年個市究竟升咩你哋知唔知?
若果個經濟版重係我睇, 真係叫肥佬剷咗你同燈霸個專欄好過, 廢事害死啲讀者.
its之前put落到hsbc出咗業績都冇止蝕平倉 hahaaaahaa
ReplyDeletestill underwater...
ReplyDelete危機 = 機遇
to anon,
ReplyDeleteI am sure you are a silver bug partly because you know we will be hit by a tsunami of money coming from America.
Which of course is caused by some sort of crisis and panic.
My call on HSBC is not simply a call on its N American mortgage business. It is on its entire operations, esp Europe.
Also, my thanks for 王冠一 is sincere.
Dear 馬沙,
Check out the Cramer video.
He must be hearing something over at all the various bond desks.
Dear Blog Search,
The result announcement was all about guidance. The key boost for HSBC is that management seems to have given the impression that the problems are contained.
That was why I said results are fine, but the future is not. Even in my original piece saying the results will be fine.
It is a tough put so far. I am sticking with it.
作為一個每月定額入匯豐的小股民, 我就平常心睇匯豐的升跌。但作為一個專業公關, 卻有一點不吐不快: 柏文兄, 睇得出你係一個有heart人, 咁既然勝負未知, 又何必繼續執著於一次判斷呢?
ReplyDelete若真係衰左, 咁你都認左啦, 咪move on 囉, 仲有人笑咪由佢囉, 笑得幾多次、幾多日丫? 你又駛乜自己三五七時拎返出黎講, 連其他人瘀你的都自己貼返出黎呢? 但若然你日後會贏, 到時先拎返出黎講丫; 呢幾日撐你o既, 你可以先收起, 到贏時一次過曬返出黎都未遲; 你而家曬, 咪又再remind人地有件咁o既事。要重修你的聲名, 唔在乎你對一件往事有幾在意, 而在於你黎緊講出口o既o野喇。
塊面既然散緊瘀, 就毋須繼續自摑。金融市場起跌, 如同企業形象, 邊處衰左唔一定要o係返o個處企返起身, 總之在某處贏返就得啦。柏文兄, 止蝕 move on吧!
Dear Carla,
ReplyDelete1. I stand by my call
2. The more I play up the attacks on me today, when the day I am proven correct arrives. My "told you so" would be that much louder. hahahahaha...
We live in the digital formaldehyde age, no point pretending the attacks on my call, indeed attacks on me doesn't exist, when all of it can be found one click away from google. Might as well roll with the punches.
3. If you are dollar averaging into HSBC. And you are truly confident on HSBC's LONG TERM FUTURE. You should welcome the fall that will come in the next 12 months = ) You can buy more of it this year for the same amount of money.
I think of the same way towards my silver holdings.