Tuesday, February 13, 2007


孫柏文喺 《金手指》一欄裏面曾經狠批過有「股壇長毛」之稱嘅David Webb。原因係佢一邊廂為咗打破某些公司嘅壟斷,舉腳支持將會非常煩擾香港市民嘅「計劃競爭法」,另一邊廂就理直氣壯咁支持港交所繼續壟斷,所以令我覺 得佢為咗升職加薪做港交所董事,可以連真男人一定要有嘅原則都放棄。

不過,我今日一定要同大家講,孫柏文挺Webb! 無他嘅,因為David Webb同我都非常痛恨「強迫金」。而喺啱啱過咗嘅周末,Webb兄就赤裸裸地用計數機篤爆「強迫金」── 呢個政府強迫市民,將自己辛辛苦苦賺取嘅血汗 錢,利益輸送畀基金公司嘅騙局。可能,特首曾蔭權話要將香港變成金融基地嘅計劃經濟,就係建基於呢種「強制性補貼輸送金」。




  1. Why MPF is bad for HK?

    North America uses pension plan to off load THEIR own government's inefficiency, overspending and the increasing problem of poverty among elderly...by putting the responsibility back to their citizen so the government they can have more breathing spaces for other areas. (eg, Military and more overspending)

    However, with the fact that people are ageing much older and birth rate is dropping in those societies, the problem is not getting away anytime soon.

    For the scenario in HK, since we have traditional family values support system AND the intrinsic character of "積穀防飢" in most HKers mind set, the MPF does seems to be just an excuse for government to say "We already prepare for the future by this plan...no more help is needed!" and off load their real responsibilities(eg, infrastructure changes that needs to be done) to citizen themselves.

    Truly Big Market, small government?

    My 2 cents...may not make sense at all.

    Can you explain it more?

  2. Why is MPF bad for HK?


    MPF hurts those who it was designed to help - the future elderly people of Hong Kong. By reducing savings.


    1. Savings timing are inflexible.

    ie. It makes far more sense for some one to reduce debt from student loans or mortgages to pocket GUARANTEED savings on interest payments than to earn uncertain returns. Reducing net wealth at the end of the day.

    2. Savings cannot be invested into things that traditionally brings the best returns.

    ie Education, real estate... Indeed not even gol or silver. It is all cash, bonds and stocks all the time. The return on all 3 was VERY VERY CRAP in the 70s around the world. That would reduce net wealth at the end of the day.

    Lets say someone has an MPF beginning at the age of 20. By, say 45, he has 0.5 mil in the account. He has a son who can go to a good university. But alas, the money can't be touched. Doesn't that just suck?

    3. Savings distorts economy

    say you run a HK style cafe. You and your employees MPF buys shares in Dai Ka Lok. Your business have less avaliable funds for investment making financing more expensive, while Dai Ka Lok enjoys enforced savings into their business.

    Then... Dai Ka Lok takes they money they gathered by your employees and opens a store NEXT to you! You in effect are subsidizing your competitors.


    MPF was designed to solve the problem of high welfare spendings on the elderly.

    There are no political courage to detect fraud. Hong Kong's financial industry was created many many years ago as an off shore banking centre. Which means a lot of bankers are very discrete... People move money and assets out ALL THE TIME. All income from non labour sources are virtually undetectable.

    So old people with much wealth can still apply for social welfare to get it.

    To say that without MPF people don't think of their future is bull shit. High welfare spening on elderly by HK govt doesn't mean HK ppl don't save. It means the HK govt has no political will to correct a wrong system.

  3. "So old people with much wealth can still apply for social welfare to get it."

    I still remember the case where a retired JUDGE couple committed that crime! Truly amazing/depressing.

    "To say that without MPF people don't think of their future is bull shit. High welfare spending on elderly by HK govt doesn't mean HK ppl don't save. It means the HK govt has no political will to correct a wrong system."

    That is exactly what I meant...they are just trying to off load their responsibility/challenge to change the problem of the infrastructure.

    How to better support an aging population is a serious issue, and MPF is not looking good for HK...

    Thanks for the response. Now I can sell you "MPEF"! "Education" MPF for your future kids! Just like Canada's RESP haha!

  4. Well...

    Before a MPEF, they will push for a MPMF

    Mandatory Provident Medical Fund.

    Sometimes, it is hard to say whats sadder... What we can imagine or what they will really implement. = )

    Happy new year my friend!
