Thursday, February 22, 2007


孫柏文心裏面有一隻又愛又恨嘅藍籌股。首先,我愛呢隻股票嘅原因,係公司 管理層對自己嘅行業瞭如指掌,亦一向以來明白、繼而證實世界大趨勢必定會利好該行業。仲要管理層每一次定下來嘅多年計劃,一定成功落實,兼且為公司帶來一 開始已經預測會有嘅非常可觀盈利增長。可以話牙齒當金使,有世界級競爭力香港人之典範。




有 心機選擇外判商,可以令各種貨品每一步嘅工序成本下降,亦同時將品質提高。有效運用供應鏈,就會令總存貨數量減少,亦同時減少供不應求、熱賣貨品斷市嘅情 況出現。控制到登峯造極嘅供應鏈,甚至可以令產品盡快變種去迎合不停改變嘅消費者口味,公司就可以減低「估估吓、估錯咗」口味帶來嘅損失。呢啲利豐全部做 得到。因為如此,所以今時今日投資者肯出45蚊去買利豐每1蚊嘅利潤,即係等於市盈率高達45倍,做個比較,滙豐(005)嘅市盈率都係得13倍。喺花旗 國,出晒名貴嘅Google,市盈率都係得49倍。當然,利豐近年真係可以交出每年20%嘅盈利增長,所以先至有咁多fan屎。

不 過,孫柏文非常擔心利豐股價前景,因為利豐一向以 來都被認為係一隻反映花旗國消費者信心嘅股票,而花旗國正面對樓市爆煲將會減低消費意慾嘅現實。雖然,公司盈利不但不會減少,甚至可能繼續有增長,不過因 為利豐市盈率咁高,市場一定要見到20%嘅盈利增長,增長只要一放慢,投資者可以接受嘅市盈率就可以暴跌。到時每股盈利上升10%,不過市盈率跌一半,公 司股價就可以跌45%。數就係咁計,所以除非利豐真係可以戰無不勝,豬年最應沽嘅藍籌股就係佢!


  1. 如果真係可以跌一半都幾好, 仲未買夠貨.

  2. using 06 forecast profit, PE yes... 3X

    I was using 05 profits. Was uncomfortable with 06 forecast...

    Anyhow, I was also using google's 05 profit for comparison. But 494 is a very good company. If it drops by half, I would be a buyer too! = )


  3. in fact, seldoms buy stock with PE > 20 ! Because, any drop in expected growth will have very high pressure on stock price

  4. People always say that investors of technology stock is too senstive to earnings down grades and missed earnings growth.

    I say they are wrong. Tech companies are bets on rapid and steady growth. When a company misses and demonstrates a slower grwoth rate, all the discounted future profit flow will grossly impact current share prices.

    It is not that the market "hates" a company when it misses. It just shrinks its PE multiples.

    You don't see a mining or oil company share price get whacked like that if it misses. Because the PE is so low as to account for no growth.

    Just a thought...

  5. The question I have for the 494 phenomenon. Was it a true success story on Supply Chain Management or was it success story on M&A? Total of HK$8.5billion spent (00'-07') not including the Dodwell deal in 95'/06' and Swire deal in 98'/99' which is closer to HK$10billion spent in 10years. Do you see there are still that many companies out there for 494 to buy to sustain such greatness?!
